4/10/2019 In this workshop, the Global Seed Savers Philippines team will cover basic seed saving practices and tips. Some local ways of saving seeds will also be touched upon.
4/10/2019 The more than 7000 islands that comprise the Philippine archipelago is vastly rich in natural resources and is considered one of only 17 mega-biodiverse regions in the world. Diversity is a recurring theme in these islands as the people speak more than 130 different languages, sublanguages and...
The ECHO Asia Impact Center is staffed by the most dedicated and hardworking people! We would like to introduce you to our partner in Myanmar, the Kahelu Center! This partner has done a tremendous job developing an excellent seed banking facility. It is the desire of ECHO Asia to partner with...
19/1/1991 Enjoy a delicious bounty of heirloom vegetables every year. Marc Rogers guides you through the time-honored and cost-effective tradition of collecting seeds from this year’s harvest to grow next year’s crop. Learn how to select and store seeds from proven varieties of more than 100 common...
9/1/2015 En diciembre, el América Latina / Caribe Equipo Regional de Impacto de ECHO se mostró satisfecho con los resultados de cinco días de entrenamiento en América Central. A través de asociaciones con varias organizaciones en Nicaragua y Honduras, líder del equipo, Brad Ward, fue capaz de contribuir a...
Seed is the first link in the food and fiber chain. And the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The Clif Bar Family Foundation created Seed Matters to improve the viability and availability of organic seed to ensure healthy, nutritious and productive crops. Together with our partners and...
A how-to video describing how to build a low-cost seed germination chamber using local materials in Asia. This research was made possible by a generous gift from Hort CRSP and USAID.
Find links to specific seed saving instructions for 27 common vegetables. This online information comes from Basic Seed Saving, a 48 page paperback book written by Bill McDorman. It was created to provide enough practical information to allow gardeners to embark on the rewarding adventure of...
This toolkit has been developed to provide information on sustainable production of seeds and seedlings of agroforestry species. The prime objective of the toolkit is to provide information and examples of how the quality of seeds and seedlings can be maintained from collection to field planting...
Recursos del Taller de ahorro de semillas de Camboya celebrado el 2 y 3 de diciembre en la garnja Ntuk Nti, CamboyaECHO Asia, junto con International Cooperation Cambodia (ICC) y Ntuk Nti, con fondos del Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA), llevó a cabo un taller de ahorro de semillas en Sen...