8/2/2017 Smallholder farmers in rural African villages rely on their home-grown seeds for more than 85% of their needs. Due to various reasons, small holder farmers are enticed or forced to use seeds from commercial companies which create dependency. Seed saving has challenges. For farmers to produce...
20/1/2002 Several years ago (in EDN Issue 43, December 1993), we wrote that seed was available for a carrot that will set seed in the tropics (normally carrots only produce seed in temperate climates with a cold winter). Dr. Warwick Kerr sent us the original ‘Uberlandia’ carrot seed from Brazil nearly ten...
20/1/2015 El sorgo es primordialmente autopolinizado, lo que significa que una planta de sorgo aceptará polen de sus propias flores. El sorgo también puede aceptar polen de otras plantas de sorgo (polinización cruzada) a través del viento o de insectos (observar la abeja en la cabeza de sorgo en la Fig....
20/1/2007 Seed saving is surprisingly easy with some vegetables, possible but somewhat difficult for others, and almost impossible for still other vegetable crops. It would help to know what the issues are; some basic techniques for seed saving; and which vegetables are easy and which are more difficult.
20/1/2005 Los agricultores en todas partes siembran semillas con la esperanza de que germinen, crezcan y produzcan uncultivo que pueda cosecharse. En algunos casos, las semillas sembradas germinan según lo esperado. En otros,el porcentaje de germinación de las semillas es bastante bajo. Este artículo...
20/10/2010 Drying seeds in preparation for storage and maintaining dry conditions in storage both help prevent the growth and harmful effects of mold on seed viability.
20/7/2008 Topics briefy addressed: Nematode management. Seed inoculants to maximize the ability ofleguminous plants to fix nitrogen. Bean weevils controlled by tumbling the beans. Controlling seed storage conditions. Saving your own vegetable seeds. Neem leaf tea or neem seed oil to discourageinsect...