1. 19/3/2025 Home gardens are typically small growing areas near the homestead that contain crops of specific importance to the family. Home gardens offer quick access to herbs, fruits, and vegetables that help boost household nutrition.This article will detail step-by-step instructions for how to make a tire...
  2. This book gives an overview of the Shell Books which have been written to help farmers and their families produce, process and store their precious food crops beyond harvest. Adapted from various "Practical Action" publications with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in...
  3. 20/3/2004 Underutilized plant species Roselle in Senegal and Mali Canahua deserves to come back Genetic erosion of canahua Growing and marketing Andean grains Fonio: a small grain with potential Taro in Vanuatu Masuku Home gardens Native fruits Marugu Women reintroducing neglected crops The slow food...
  4. 1/3/1986 Of the more than 200 tropical food plants grown during the past five years at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens' Tropical Food Demonstration Garden, relatively few possessed the combination of characteristics necessary to thrive in average home gardens here. Those species selected for this...
  5. This circular examines 25 Florida farmers' garden records or budgets, and shows that, on average, and excluding family labor costs, farmers save $575 per garden by growing their own. Using individual farmers' gardening plans and budgets, we also compare an expensive garden, in which the farmer...
  6. 1/1/1985 This pamphlet contains a wealth of information on home gardening propagation.
  7. 1/12/1972 This publication is intended for country-wide distribution. Any gardener using it also needs local information, expecially on the earliest and latest safe planting dates for vegetables and any special garden practices and varieties that are best for his location. 49 pages, illustrated, photos...
  8. Recurso clave 1/1/1975 In 1975, Let it Rot! helped start the composting movement and taught gardeners everywhere how to recycle waste to create soil-nourishing compost. Contains advice for starting and maintaining a composting system, building bins, and using compost. Third Edition. Stop bagging leaves, grass, and...
  9. 8/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Dennis J. Tungol is the co-founder and the Training Director of SEED Project – Asia, Phil. Inc. and at the same time the assistant Pastor of JCTV in Pureza, Manila. He finished his Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture and majored in Entomology, with a minor in Pathology, at the Gregorio...
  10. 8/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Zolito Amor Alaba is the Livelihood Program Manager of Samaritan’s Purse Philippines based in Tacloban City, Leyte, and formerly the Project Coordinator of SEED Project. Mr. Alaba is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Management (Operations Management Major) in 2013 at the...