2010/06/20 The philosophy of slow growth Local resources: great capital Big problems demand big ambitions Ensuring finance with a contract Thinking beyond credit Money for farming Making farmers bandable Should farmers get paid for providing ecosystem services Trade finance Rural finance
Cet Agrodok décrit les pratiques actuelles en matière d'épargne, de crédit et d'assurance. Il identifïe les prestataires de service actifs dans les secteurs informel, semi-formel et formel et aborde les pour et les contre des approaches et méthodes adopteés. Cet ouvrage est destiné à tous ceux...
2010/01/06 Agriculture remains an important means of alleviating poverty, but shortage of finance can constrain its development. At the same time agriculture is evolving towards a global system requiring high-quality, competitive products and organized in value chains which often exclude smallholders. Value...
2009/01/01 This booklet addresses micro- and small-scale entrepreneurs who wish to improve their business operations. It may not require the sophisticated business management techniques that are used by large-scale manufacturers, but simple procedures to plan, monitor and control production, finances,...
This Agrodok describes current savings, lending, and insurance practices, identifies the service providers working in the informal, semiformal and formal sector and discusses current approaches and methodologies. It targets those who want to know more about rural finance as well as development...