1. Toxic synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and pharmaceutical residues are a major threat to drinking water safety worldwide. Unfortunately, major international water development initiatives focus exclusively on microbial pathogens (the most immediate threat to health) while neglecting...
  2. 2015/03/26 There is abundance in the ordinary – that which is often unseen or overlooked – that can be harnessed to change mindsets, resource use, and community benefits. Beth Doerr presents examples, experiences and thoughts that enlighten, challenge and guide communities to discover the abundance in their...
  3. 2015/06/16 "Aquaponics is a food production system that combines conventional aquaculturewith hydroponics in a symbiotic environment." (Wikipedia) By combining these two systems farmers are able to increase their yield, decrease costs and deal sustainably with some of the challenges of hydroculture. In...
  4. Meribah Ram Pump, based in Thailand, offers appropriate technology products (ram pumps and bio sand water filters) and related expertise. A downloads page,on Meribah’s website offers plans and other information related to building and installing ram pumps and bio sand water filters.
  5. The BGET provides hands-on appropriate technology training and financial support to village innovators in ethnic minority areas on both sides of the Thai/Burma border. BGET’s Knowledge Base offers a wealth of technical downloads in English and Thai related to renewable energy technologies for...
  6. Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries. We enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions. Technologyis a key to ending poverty. Technology doesn’t mean just physical infrastructure, machinery...
  7. 2015/04/20 The coffee team from IDDS Tanzania was highlighted in Smithsonian Magazine this month with a story about how a self-taught Tanzanian inventor, nonprofit workers, and MIT students collaborated on a potentially life-changing tool for coffee growers.
  8. Appropedia is for collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology and poverty reduction.
  9. The Horticulture Innovation Lab builds international partnerships for fruit and vegetable research to improve livelihoods in developing countries. The program team and its projects help the world's poorest people break out of a persistent cycle of poverty by improving smallholder farmers’...
  10. 2004/07/01 We read an article in Appropriate Technology (Volume 28, No. 3; July/September 2001) about farmers in Niger who used bottle caps to distribute tiny amounts of fertilizer. Despite drought conditions, farmers who used this technique harvested 50 to 100 percent more millet than those who did not.