2009/01/01 319 pp. : ill. Dans le Routard Floride,mis à jour chaque année, vous trouverez: unepremière partietout en couleurs pour découvrir lavilleà l’aide de photos et de cartes illustrantnos coups de cœur; dessuggestions d’itinérairesetdesinfos pratiquespour organiser votre séjour; et, bien sûr, des...
Edible Portion: Fruit A natural hybrid between Diospyros abyssinica x Dovyalis hebecarpa. A large spreading shrub. It grows 7 m high. Thebranches are long and drooping. It has few thorns. The leaves are deep green and densely grouped together. They are 7.5-10cm long. The flowers are...
1996/01/01 Written just for Florida gardeners who are looking for fresh garden herbs and spices. Assembles information not found in any other single source. Tells how to use Florida herbs and spices for scent, flavor, health, beauty, and for garden color.
Examines the pest problems peculiar to Florida, identifies a variety of harmful insects as well as beneficial spiders, and includes advice on pest control.A handy guide for identifying and dealing with common pests. Includes information on pests that infest your home and garden. 312 pgs, pictures...
2012/01/01 385 pages, illustrated. 2 copies (one copy is first edition, 1985, 80 pages) The Kampong, an 11-acre botanical garden located in Cocunut Grove, Florida, is part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden.
2015/09/11 If you've been fighting with your Florida garden, you're doing it wrong! Florida wants to be covered in forest, not grass and annuals. Picture yourself strolling through a lush and tame jungle loaded with sweet fruit, vegetables, roots, medicinal herbs, flowers and darting butterflies. Now...
2011/02/14 Put the fruits of your labors front and center! With plentiful sun, open space, and an audience appreciative passersby, the front yard has all the ingredients for a beautiful and bountiful garden. Let famed blogger and garden designer Ivette Soler show you how to make over all or part of that...
1998/01/01 As the natural landscape becomes more humanized, the habitat for many wildlife species has been lost or degraded. In a clear, step-by-step format, this book tells how to create a wildlife-friendly landscape that takes into account both people and nature. The authors' theme--"put back what you...
1998/01/01 Veteran gardener and best-selling author Lois Trigg Chalplic and expert Florida gardener Monica Moran Brandies recommend hundreds of plants for hundreds of uses, noting the best growing zones and sharing helpful hints and insights. To aid you in making the most of Florida's temperate and tropical...