1. This book gives an overview of the Shell Books which have been written to help farmers and their families produce, process and store their precious food crops beyond harvest. Adapted from various "Practical Action" publications with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in...
  2. 2022/01/01 Success with domestic livestock does not require large land bases. Joel Salatin and his family’s Polyface Farm in Virginia lead the world in animal-friendly and ecologically authentic, commercial, pasture-based livestock production. InPolyface Microhe adapts the ideas and protocols to small...
  3. 2017/01/01 What on earth isThe Marvelous Pigness of Pigs? It's an inspiring call to action for people of faith . . . a heartfelt plea to heed the Bible's guidance. It's an important and thought-provoking explanation of how by simply appreciating the marvelous pigness of pigs, we are celebrating the Glory of...
  4. 2011/01/01 From farmer Joel Salatin's point of view, life in the 21st century just ain't normal. In FOLKS, THIS AIN'T NORMAL, he discusses how far removed we are from the simple, sustainable joy that comes from living close to the land and the people we love. Salatin has many thoughts on what normal is and...
  5. 2001/01/01 Saving the landscape, rebuilding entrepreneurial rural families, and protecting nutritious food are the themes of this timeless treatise-hence the word "testament." Delving into the soul of the Salatin family's nationally acclaimed Polyface Farm, author Joel Salatin offersFamily Friendly Farming...
  6. 2017/01/01 Drawing upon 40 years' experience as an ecological farmer and marketer, Joel Salatin explains with humor and passion why Americans do not have the freedom to choose the food they purchase and eat. From child labor regulations to food inspection, bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over...
  7. 1975/01/01 Drawn from the practical experience of a contemporary pioneer, The Manual of Practical Homesteading is a specific, how-to reference for today's homesteader. An individual seeking a quieter, self-reliant way of life. 340 pages, illustrated
  8. 2011/03/10 From building a yurt to maintaining a thriving winter garden, this simple guide is all you need top live off the land. Are you ready to feed you family year-round? Do you know how to store food without electricity? Can you bake you ow bread? Make your own shampoo? Raise sheep? Homeschool your...
  9. 2015/01/23 A practiculture way to grow nutrient-dense food, produce healthy fats, and live the good life The Nourishing Homesteadtells the story of how we can create truly satisfying, permanent, nourished relationships to the land, nature, and one another. Ben and Penny Hewitt offer practical ways to grow...