1. 2008/01/01 El proposito de este reporte es dar una vision colectiva sobre el Fitomejoramiento Participativa (FP) En el se aborda el enfoque desde las perspectivas tecnica y social.Ademas se identifican los para incorporar el FP a los sistemas de fotomejoramiento nacional, lo cual argumentamos como necesario...
  2. 2021/05/20 LEGS Participation Mini Module Suji Omeno In this Mini Module, LEGS provides key techniques to aid and facilitate community participation. Some of the techniques includeFocus Group Discussions,Key Informant Interviews,Proportional Piling, Simple Ranking,Pairwise Ranking,Matrix Scoring,Historical...
  3. 2005/01/01 Livestock research and development work has tended to lag behind crop production work in the development and application of methods for participatory technology development. However, the case for participatory research is just as strong in relation to livestock as it is in relation to crops; and...
  4. Participatory approaches to research and development that are appropriatie for poor farmers have become widespread in the past decade. This book describes experiences with one such approach, the Comite de Investigacion Agricola Local, or Local Agricultural Research Committee. The CIAL is a...