1. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Barick Leya
  2. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Herry Kirimbai
  3. The findings and recommendations in this Toolkit were identified based on a meta-review of program evaluations and scholarly research in French and English, supplemented by a series of key informant interviews with program implementers. The Toolkit was validated through review by an Advisory...
  4. 1996/01/01 Este Material es el fruto de un proces de dialogo intercultural entre equipo pastoral de la forania el sierra y los pueblos mames y, mochos que la habitan. Proceso que tiene raices profundas de trabajo, sacrificio y esfuerzo alegre de muchos agentes, yobispos que durante anos contribuyeron a...
  5. 2018/03/20 LEGS provides a response plan that guides you through effective ways to use the LEGS Handbook. Information in the Response Pan includes reviewing the summary of options, reviewing advantages and disadvantages, reviewing the timing table, working through a decision tree, and using standards, key...
  6. 2013/02/20 New 2016 edition based on the LEGS Handbook 2nd edition This Evaluation Tool can assist organizations to evaluate how LEGS was used during a project - in other words, to what extent did a project follow the LEGS core standards, and the specific standards for different technical interventions...
  7. 2018/03/20 The livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions LEGS Briefing Paper This Briefing Paper summarizes the livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions during drought, and then examines these impacts in relation to recent trends in aid funding to livestock-related support...
  8. 2018/03/20 How does early response affect households in pastoralist areas? LEGS Briefing Paper This Briefing Paper takes a different perspective on assessing the value of early response, and focuses on the impacts of livestock projects on poorer households in pastoralist areas. These households often have...
  9. 2020/09/20 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Yacob Aklilu This paper was commissioned to assess livestock insurance schemes and explore what evidence exists regarding the effective implementation of livestock insurance schemes to support the livelihoods of...
  10. The Members of the Coalition worktogether to lobby their national governments, European Union (EU) bodies (Council, Parliament and Commission) as well as other policy-formulating bodies/ agencies in Europe (e.g. the European Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the FAO in Rome) to...