1985/11/29 Participatory approaches in rural development Farming systems research Women in farming systems research Action-research People's knowledge is people's power - Peru and Ecuador Helping farmers to change - Philippines GRAPP's method - experiences in Burkina Faso Go to the people - an African...
1996/07/19 Integrated farming systems in humid lowlands Philippine farmer switches over to rice-fish Pigs manage the world's worst weed in India Cambodia aquaculture developments Diversifying rice field systems in Bangladesh Pak Yanto's road to sustainability Capture or culture? Wetland management in...
1997/10/19 Rebuilding lost soil fertility A tool for quantitative farm analysis Intensification of swidden agriculture in the Philippines Poor soils need organic matter Indigenous green manure in Nepal New Kekulam Recycling household waste in Egypt Biomass transfer
2008/03/20 Fair fruit trade Exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso Bolivian producers lobby for change Improved shea butter trading through certification Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference Filipino handicrafts Organic and fair trade products attract new customers Corporate challenges to...
2001/01/01 Durian is extensively grown in tropical regions, the major producers being Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. The tree is also grown in northern Australia, some South American countries and in Africa. Although to many its smell is notoriously offensive, its taste can become a...
1986/01/01 This booklet provides information on the Neem tree especially for use in the Philippines. It provides information on growing neem and the uses of the neem tree including as an inexpensive insecticide. 12 pages, iluustrations, photos
This publication is the final output of a workshop help in the Phillippines. It was during this workshop that field tested and farmer-approved practices were compiled in a single publication and edited in a fully participatory manner. This publication is aimed at extension workers, farmers,...
1991/01/01 This book reports on the proceedings of the National Conference which was help to present and discuss the specific experiences of different government and nongovernment organizations involved in the promotion and development of microenterprises in the Philippines.
1970/01/01 This booklet includes chapters on spice crop production, ginger, onion, garlic, and black pepper. Each chapter includes information on site selection, choosing the variety, land preparation, planting and transplanting, weeding, cultivation and fertilizing, preventing pest and diseases, harvest...