2017/01/01 *Available as Download Only Forage plant ecophysiology has been described, perhaps mischievously, as the selective application of useful information from pure plant physiology research to provide human benefit through improved agricultural output. The intention of creating this Special Issue was...
Key Resource1990/01/01 This book provides a concise introduction to the principles of crop physiology in the tropics, and is based on the work of a project funded by the UK Overseas Development Administration.
1979/01/01 This book is an introductory text for undergraduate students in plant physiology or experimental botany. It presents current ideas about how plants function in narrative form, uncluttered with complex metabolic pathways or biochemical mechanisms.
Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition represents an introduction to plant physiology. It blendsresearch with a sense of historical perspective and does so in a book of manageable size that is designed with the needs of the beginning student in mind.
This book is written for the undergraduate student or lay person who desires an introduction to the principles of seed science and technology. The first eight chapters present the seed as a biological system in terms of its origin, development, and composition, as well as its function,...
1982/01/01 This chapter brings together data from those studies and evaluates the ancient practice of sprouting seeds for food and feed uses from a contemporary viewpoint. Consolidation of this information about seed sprouting from numerous disciplines provides a view of the role that germination studies...
1978/01/19 The first seven chapters deal with physical processes in plants, the middle seven with metabolism and biochemistry the nexteight chapters with growth and development and the final two draw upon the other 22 in relating plant function to the environment that so strongly influences it.
This book contains information on plant nutrition starting with the basics, to major elements, to micronutrients, plant analysis, ending with tissue testing. It also includes appendixies from definitions, to elemental requirements to Nitrogen contents.