La Conférence internationale sur l'agriculture de l'année 2020 a perpétué la tradition consistant à mettre en exhergue les figures de proue dans divers aspects du développement agricole — des praticiens, des scientifiques et des leaders communautaires. Le contenu a été présenté en séances plénières et en petits groupes simultanés, avec de nombreuses occasions de réseautage, comme les anciens participants le savent et s'y attendent..

Les différences : pas de visa requis, pas de voyage, pas d'hôtel ! Des coûts réduits, plus de personnes, plus de perspectives ! Les participants peuvent également organiser ou assister à des soirées de visionnement avec d'autres délégués ayant des intérêts similaires ou travaillant dans des régions ou des lieux communs.

La conférence de 2020 s'est déroulée en une seule journée, sur une période de sept heures, au lieu d'être étalée sur trois jours.

    • Conférenciers principaux de classe mondiale
    • Séances en petits groupes interactives
    • Réseautage et interaction avec les conférenciers et autres délégués

Les Lightning talks (présentations éclaires/discussions) sont des vidéos de 2 à 5 minutes sur des sujets spécifiques qui illustrent comment les praticiens du monde entier mettent en œuvre des techniques et des principes basés sur nos quatre thèmes.

Les sessions en petits groupes sont des enregistrements des discussions en direct avec les conférenciers de la session plénière et avec des membres du réseau représentant des domaines thématiques connexes. Certains d'entre eux ont également créé des Lightning Talks.

  1. 20/01/2021 Cette année, ECHO a tenu sa 27e conférence annuelle A l’instar de nombreux événements, réunions et occasions cette année, la conférence de ECHO s’est tenue en ligne. Cela signifiait la perte de l'excellent réseau de face-à-face qui a toujours été la marque des conférences passées; cependant, un...
  2. Summary :The myth of farmer conservatism blinds many development practitioners from recognizing that the greatest asset they have in technology development and promotion is the very farmers whose behavior they hope to change. Examples will be shared of farmer-generated technologies that make more...
  3. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Elliott Toevs and ECHO Staff
  4. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Bio liquid fertilizer, organic liquid fertilizer Hawken Sawyer and Lyle Carlson
  5. Summary :In this session, Neil Rowe Miller, will be available to discuss questions and share more information and experience about his Plenary Talk,Why Farmers Don’t Do What We Tell Them (and Why That’s a Good Thing) The myth of farmer conservatism blinds many development practitioners from...
  6. Summary :Pugeni will be addressing questions about Conservation Agriculture, if you are interested in Conservation Agriculture and would like to learn more, this session will provide an introduction. Presenter :Vurayayi Pugeni
  7. Summary :In this session, Stacy Swartz will be answering introductory questions regarding Green Manure Cover Crops and will share about an ECHO developed tool for GMCC selection. Presenter : Stacy Swartz
  8. Summary : At the start of 2020, COVID-19 broke out with huge consequences for resilience of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable groups dependent on agriculture. Extension and advisory services can help strengthen resilience of their clientele by increasing their access to both tangible...
  9. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Austin Moore
  10. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Matthew Von Hurbulus
  11. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Barry Pittendrigh, SAWBO, Michigan State University Dr. Barry Pittendrigh has worked in the area of international development, specifically in West Africa, over the past decade.He is also co-founder of Scientific...
  12. Summary : At the start of 2020, COVID-19 broke out with huge consequences for resilience of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable groups dependent on agriculture. Extension and advisory services can help strengthen resilience of their clientele by increasing their access to both tangible...
  13. Summary : In this session, Matthew Von Herbulis will be discussing his experience integrating faith into agricultural training interventions. Presenter : Matthew VonHerbulis
  14. Summary :In this session, questions will be addressed regarding the unique challenges and opportunities that adult learners present. Presenter : Austen Moore, Franso Facciterne
  15. Summary :In this session, Barry Pittendrigh will be discussing SAWBO's model of video training. Presenter : Barry Pittendrigh, SAWBO, Michigan State University Dr. Barry Pittendrigh has worked in the area of international development, specifically in West Africa, over the past decade.He is also...
  16. Summary : As we are called to action to help improve the health or wellness or resilience of communities, and their resources, we assess needs, identify assets, foster collaborations, and unite to act to improve the status quo. But what if we’re not using the right lens to see all the factors...
  17. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Andrea Guzman
  18. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Annie D.and Noah Coleman
  19. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Eric Toensmeier
  20. Summary : In this session, Gen Meredith, will be available to discuss questions and share more information and experience about her Plenary Talk,One Health and Planetary Health As we are called to action to help improve the health or wellness or resilience of communities, and their resources, we...
  21. Summary :In this session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding Animal Health. Presenter : Kelly Crowdis, Arie Havelaar
  22. Summary :In this session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding nutrition. Presenter :Andrea Paola Guzman,Neil Van Dine
  23. Summary :Tim Albright has broad experience in Community Development issues and outlooks. Presenter : Timothy Albright
  24. Summary :Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is the systematic regeneration of this “underground forest.” In this plenary Tony will talk about the history and development of FMNR, explain what it is and how it has impacted people in Niger Republic and beyond. Considering global climate...
  25. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Andrew Kinzer
  26. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Milmer Martinez Vergara
  27. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 John Leary
  28. Summary :In this session, Tony Rinaudo, will be available to discuss questions and share more information and experience about his Plenary Talk, Fighting Global Hunger Through Reforestation: Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration for Rapid, Low Cost and Scalable Land Restoration Farmer Managed...
  29. Summary :In this session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding monitoring and evaluating tree plantings. Presenters :Milmer Martinez,Andrew Kinzer,John Leary
  30. Summary :In this session, Eric Toensmier will be discussing perennial vegetables, and their impact. Presenters :Eric Toensmeier
  31. Summary :In this session, Tim Watkins will be available to answer introductory questions about Agroforestry. Presenter : Tim Watkins