One key aspect of those who live in poverty is a lack of options. Personal finances are one area in which lack of options can have a huge impact on a family and community. Sometimes income and/or expenses are irregular, leaving folks vulnerable. The opportunity to borrow a small amount of money can be extremely helpful when school fees are due, a family faces unexpected medical expenses, or the time is right to expand a small business. However, the very poor do not have access to traditional banking services, and may be vulnerable to exploitation by people offering high interest loans.

-- Dawn Berkelaar,  EDN #115

  1. 20/04/2012 One key aspect of those who live in poverty is a lack of options. Personal finances are one area in which lack of options can have a huge impact on a family and community. Sometimes income and/or expenses are irregular, leaving folks vulnerable. The opportunity to borrow a small amount of money...
  2. La video suivante decrit comment commencer un groupe d'epargne. Il comporte comment former un groupe, comment organiser le groupe et comment organiser la boite d'epargne.
  3. Cette animation decrit la procedure de l'election du comite de gestion. Nous discutons comment les decisions sont prises collectivement et comment le comite est elu. Ceci fait parti de la procedure. C'est la seconde animation sur la serie des six animations de microfinance.
  4. This animation describes the concept of fines that can be applied when one misses a group meeting and in the same order, fines that can be applied when one misses a savings payment. It is the third animation out of six in the microfinance animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  5. Dans cette animation, vous apprendrez les etapes necessaires pour commencer chaque reunion dans un groupe d'epargne et puis la procedure pour contracter un pret. C'est la quatrieme animation sur la serie de six animations de microfinance.
  6. Dans cette animation, nous expliquerons qu'est ce qui doit etre fait dans une reunion ou un pret a ete demande. Nous discuterons comment determiner l'objectif et la procedure de prendre un pret. Ceci est la cinquieme animation sur la serie de six animations de microfinance.
  7. Cette animation explique comment tenir une reunion. Nous discutons les activites de bse qui doivent prendre place dans toutes les reunions. Ceci est la sixieme animation sur la serie de six animation de micrafinance.
  8. Ressource principale 19/01/1996 Inspired by the enormous success of the Grameen Bank in providing financial assistance to the poorest of the poor, four individuals - a central banker, an appropriate-technology NGO organizer, a professor of international relations and a top-level communist official - each sought to replicate and...
  9. Cambodian animal agriculture faces many significant challenges and problems, mostly these are disease related; with this being the single biggest constraint on animal production in Cambodia. The relatively high price of processed animal feeds and continuing drought are also significant production...
  10. Since 2000, CGAP's Microfinance Gateway has been a valuable resource for individuals and organizations working to advance financial inclusion for the world’s poor. The Gateway welcomes more than 1 million annual visitors from over 200 countries, who recognize the Gateway as the web's leading...
  11. 20/08/2004 The absence of financial savings and credit access is widely cited as an obstacle to poverty reduction in the rangelands of east Africa. The well-known successes of microfinance initiatives in many parts of the world hold out the promise of scaleappropriate financial services for people...
  12. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dès qu’un membre a épargné un certain montant, il peut commencer à emprunter de l’argent pour faire rouler n’importe quel type d’entreprise. En épargnant de l’argent ensemble en tant que groupe, nous pouvons aider les petites entreprises à s'épanouir et s’...
  13. Connecting practice and research ISSN1755-1978 (Print) |1755-1986 (Online) Since 1990,Enterprise Development & Microfinance(EDM)has offered practice-based insights into the role of markets, enterprises and financial services in reducing poverty and stimulating economic development. This...
  14. We are inspired to connect, to create and to champion lasting change for poor and vulnerable people around the globe. With our shared belief in a just world and an understanding that we achieve more together, we strive each day to work collaboratively to carry out our mission. Our strategy helps...
  15. 20/02/2013
  16. The Global Development Research Center is an independent nonprofit think tank that carries out initiatives in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment, urban, community and information, and at scales that are effective.
  17. Ressource principale 01/01/1999 This book explores recent developments in microfinance in Africa. It is divided in two parts. Part 1 contains selected papers from the Microfinance Professional Forum held in Cotonou, May 18-20, 1998. Part 2 contains case studies of several African microfinance institutions prepared by the World...
  18. 18/11/2015 Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLA), a form of micro-banking in rural communities, allows smallholder farmers to acquire the capital required to invest in their agricultural enterprises, while also serving as a gateway to learn about new innovations in agriculture. This presentation...
  19. The following video describes how to start a savings group. It includes how to form a group, how to organize the group and then how to organizing a savings box. This variation of the animation was created for World Renew. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based...
  20. This animation describes the process of electing a management committee. We discuss how decisions are made collectively and how a committee is elected as part of this process. This variation of the animation was created for World Renew. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a...
  21. This animation describes the concept of fines that can be applied when one misses a group meeting and in the same order, fines that can be applied when one misses a savings payment. This variation of the animation was created for World Renew. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a...
  22. This animation explains how to hold a meeting. We discuss the core activities that need to occur at all meetings. This variation of the animation was created for World Renew. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension information on...