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  1. 20/06/2000 A report on the work of Nikolaus and Gabriele Foidl with Moringa in Nicaragua.
  2. Robert Walle - 2003 - DSEA Zamorano Nicaragua Slide 1 Community meeting to explain the road reparation and the protection of the infiltration gallery downstream from sedimentation from eroding streambank. Local concerns were expressed to also fix the existing wells used by the community, in...
  3. 20/05/2012 Comment combattre la malnutrition et ameliorer la securite alimentaire grace aux legumes-feuilles. Author David Kennedy is the founder and Director of this non-governmental organization. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to support Leaf for Life programs. 95 pages, illustrated
  4. iDE is a global team of 1,200 changemakers coming from diverse backgrounds within international development and the private sector. What we all have in common is the belief that one entrepreneur can change their community and millions can change the world. Our work stands out in the international...
  5. 11/04/2017 Through many mistakes and trials, Sarah Hornsby, and husband Jim, learned much of the practical use of medicinal plants from their experience in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The reforestation project started with the purchase of land in the Arenal Forest Reserve. From there, the learning process began...
  6. Abstract, The Scientific World Journal, 2012 Coffea arabicaL. (arabica coffee), the only tetraploid species in the genusCoffea, represents the majority of the world's coffee production and has a significant contribution to Nicaragua's economy. The present paper was conducted to determine the...
  7. En considérant les graines comme un bien spirituel, culturel et nutritionnel, plutôt que comme un simple intrant agricole ou une marchandise négociable, ce rapport se concentre sur les initiatives de valorisation des aliments sauvages et traditionnels dans quatre pays où Trócaire travaille : Le...