ECHO s'associe à des organisations du monde entier pour rassembler et partager des ressources avec les petits agriculteurs et les agents de développement agricole. ECHO partage les publications de Food Plant Solutions’ (FPS) à travers depuis environ un an et a récemment signé un accord avec FPS pour étendre notre coopération afin d'améliorer la visibilité des ressources de FPS.

Leurs publications soulignent l'importance de sélectionner des plantes à la fois riches en éléments nutritifs et bien adaptées aux conditions locales. Leurs matériels consistent principalement en des guides de terrain spécifiques à chaque pays. Vous pouvez trouver un guide pour chacun des plus de 35 pays, chaque guide contenant des informations sur les régimes alimentaires nutritifs trouvés dans ces endroits. 

FPS est liée, via le Rotary, à Food Plants International (FPI). Bruce French, qui a créé FPI, a créé une base de données de plus de 30 000 plantes comestibles. Les informations contenues dans la base de données de FPI sont fondamentales pour les ressources de FPS. Le travail de FPS complète le désir de ECHO de fournir des informations sur les plantes utiles et les techniques agricoles.

  1. The Food Plant Solutions project was designed to address malnutrition through the use of readily available and local food sources. We create educational publications that help people understand the connection between plant selection and nutrition, and empower them to grow a range of highly...
  2. TheFood Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group (FPS RAG)promotes innovative solutions to end hunger, malnutrition and ensure food security that is nutritious, sustainable, cost effective and proven to work. Food Plant Solutions creates educational publications that help the Rotary network...
  3. FPS creates educational materials that explain what nutritional food is, why our bodies need it and how to grow and use it. We focus on what are often neglected and underutilized plants, plants that are growing in and adapted to their environment, and are high in the most beneficial nutrients....
  4. What are the benefits of school and community gardens? The students at the schools enjoy the benefits of the plants they have grown as they are provided with a nutritious lunch at school. Initially children only tend the plants at school, but within a short time-frame they can be provided with...
  5. A SOLUTION THAT ENDS MALNUTRITION Food Plant Solutionscreates educational materials that explain what nutritional food is, why our bodies need it and how to grow and use it. Food Plant Solutionsfocuses on what are often neglected and underutilized plants, plants that are growing in and adapted to...
  6. A SOLUTION THAT ENDS MALNUTRITION Food Plant Solutions creates educational materials that explain what nutritional food is, why our bodies need it and how to grow and use it. FPSfocuses on what are often neglected and underutilized plants, plants that are growing in and adapted to their...
  7. We form partnerships with existing aid providers who educate communities.
  8. Supporting Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group