1. 03/06/2024 Les poly-propagateurs sont des enceintes en polyéthylène (plastique transparent) ou en plexiglas dans lesquelles vous pouvez cultiver des matières végétales dans un environnement protégé. Ces structures fermées augmentent l’humidité et résistent aux fluctuations de température pour un meilleur...
  2. 12/06/2024 Un poly-propagateur est une technologie appropriée pour multiplier les plantes qui se multiplient le plus facilement dans des conditions très humides. Les poly-propagateurs ont un cadre construit avec du fil, du bambou, du bois ou d’autres matériaux de soutien. Utilisez ce que vous avez! L’...
  3. This book was written for those individuals who are concerned about the techniques and practices of plant cell cultures for horticultural crops. It was designed to serve as a text and reference for students and professionals in ornamental horticulture, fruit and vegetable crop pro duction,...
  4. TVNI has created a list of vetiver plant suppliers who have demonstrated the ability to nursery propagate vetiver plants and offer them for sale in their countries and regions. They all multiply Vetiver,C. zizanioidesand are able to ship planting material on demand. TVNI does not set the prices...
  5. 01/01/1992 La presente publicacion da cuenta de esta inedita experiencia en el manejo, germinacion y produccion de especies nativeas en vivero, desarrolladas por cerca de doce anos. Nuestro interes, como con otras publicaciones del CAAP, es el de aportar, tanto al conocimiento tecnologico, como a la...
  6. Supporting Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group
  7. 01/01/1987 This publication was used in an intensive course in citrus propagation and nursery management. It includes presentations by university researchers and extension horticulturists, state regulatory officials, citrus nurserymen and other industry representatives. 83 pages
  8. NC State Extension Stems that are still attached to their parent plant may form roots where they come in contact with a rooting medium. This method of vegetative propagation is generally successful, because water stress is minimized and carbohydrate and mineral nutrient levels are high. The...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Instead of planting suckers directly, you can grow many new healthy plants from each bulb. Learn how to disinfect the bulbs using a natural solution and place them in moist sawdust in a germination box. From one bulb you can get at least 50 healthy suckers that...
  10. Ressource principale 01/01/1993 For developing nations, soil erosion is among the most chronic environmental and economic burdens. Vast amounts of topsoil are washed or blown away from arable land only to accumulate in rivers, reservoirs, harbors, and estuaries, thereby creating a double disaster: a vital resource disappears...