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  1. 19/03/1999 Horn flies have been controlled with insecticides in the U.S. since the early 1950s. An alternative, mechanical means of control (horn fly trap) was developed prior to World War II, but this never made its way into mainstream agriculture because of the growing use of pesticides following the war....
  2. Normal Temperature, Respiration, Heart Rate and Weights for Goats, Cattle, Pigs, Horses in Haiti Temperati, Respirasyon, Batman Kè epi Pwa Nòmal pou Kabrit, Bèf, Kochon, Cheval an Ayiti
  3. Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Cattle Remains of domesticated cattle dating to 6,500 B.C. have been found in Turkey and other sites in the Near East approach this age also. Some authorities date the domestication of cattle as early as 10,000 years ago, and others almost...
  4. 90% of the biochar produced in Europe is used in livestock farming. Whether mixed with feed, added to litter or used in the treatment of slurry, the positive effect of biochar very quickly becomes apparent. The health – and consequently the well-being – of the livestock improve within just a...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les tiques sont de petites créatures tout comme les insectes qui se fixent au corps des animaux et sucent leur sang. Les tiques causent des maladies comme les lésions cutanées. Les animaux deviennent maigres et ne produisent plus de lait. Personne n’aime les...
  6. 01/01/1972 This is the only book in any language giving descriptions of the main forms of lameness in cattle. Lameness causes very considerable economic loss in all countries, both in milk yield of lactating cattle and decreased feed efficiency, and the total financial loss may be several hundred millions...
  7. Abstract, International Journal of Infection, 2016 November Background:Coxiella burnetii(C. burnetii) is the causative agent of Q fever, a zoonotic disease that is prevalent worldwide. Domestic and companion animals are the main reservoirs of infection. Humans mainly acquire the infection through...
  8. 09/02/2017
  9. 09/02/2017
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video En fonction de la quantité de lait que donne chaque vache, vous pouvez calculer la quantité d’aliments équilibrés nécessaires pour vos vaches. Vous devez aussi donner de l’herbe verte à votre vache chaque jour. Elle aide à augmenter la quantité totale de lait...
  11. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les trayons de l’animal sont douloureux et peuvent être fendillés. Si la mamite n’est pas traitée à temps, le pis peut être endommagé. Lorsqu’une vache est atteinte de mammite, son lait n’est pas propre à la consommation. Langues disponibles Anglais Bangla...
  12. AccessAgriculture Training Video Le ballonnement est causé par la consommation d’herbe mouillée. Dans l’estomac, l’herbe mouillée se fermente et libère des gaz qui deviennent des bulles et ne peuvent pas s’échapper. Il est aussi causé par un changement soudain d’alimentation ou la consommation de...
  13. 01/01/1996 Plus de lait grâce à une meilleure gestion Cet Agrodok vous fournira des informations sur les différents aspects de l’élevage de vaches laitières sous les tropiques : alimentation, reproduction et enregistrement des données. Il est destiné aux petits exploitants ayant un certain niveau...
  14. 20/01/2004 Cattle play important role in animal protein production for two reasons; first, the unique ruminant digestive system utilizes forage for food and secondary, much of the world offers marginal grazing systems on land not suitable for crop production. These feedstuffs would not be utilized were it...
  15. Animals2022,12(7), 822;https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12070822 Published: 24 March 2022 Abstract The wet-dry transition period brings unique challenges to cattle producers in the tropics as the forage quality starts to decrease and animal performance is negatively affected unless supplementation...

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