1. Among significant new technologies introducted in this volume are development and current status of the fertilizer solutions industry; advanced modes of transport including peopleline distribution of fertilizers; development and role of delayed release fertilizer materials; and formation and...
  2. This animation presents four steps to ensure better harvests in arid and semi-arid climates. Through timely and deep plowing, micro dosing manure and practicing response fertilization, farmers in these regions can see increases to their crop yields while managing input costs. Scientific...
  3. Abstract,Research institute of Organic agriculture FiBL, 2018 Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a simple technique for improving the growth of date palms and other tree seedlings (pomegranate, olive, argan) or medicinal shrubs (lavender, rosemary) at nursery stage and to...
  4. Anaerobic digestion, or biodigestion, involves the microbial degradation of organic materials in an oxygen-free environment. Feedstocks for anaerobic digestion include livestock manures, crop residues, culled fruit and vegetables, food waste, and other organic by-products. The process produces...
  5. 20/07/2010 One high quality and universally available source of all the major macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) is human urine. Using human urine as fertilizer is not unprecedented, but for various reasons in most countries it is not commonly considered as an option, especially for growing...
  6. 01/08/2017 Face aux défis auxquels les petits exploitants font face en matière d’intrants agricoles, et vu les limites de l’engrais minéral, le centre d’impact de ECHO pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest a équipé les fermiers de connaissances pratiques et économiques. L’une d’elles: la technique de fabrication de l’...