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Farmers face many challenges and constraints in terms of agricultural inputs. Synthetic fertilizers are often difficult for farmers to access or afford and may have low community acceptance. Moreover, knowledge of how to properly and safely apply synthetic inputs is often limiting or confusing. For these reasons, many communities choose natural over synthetic options for managing nutrients. Options using natural and local ingredients include bio-fertilizers that famers make on site. Benefits of bio-fertilizers include the potential for increased resilience to pests and nutrient deficiencies and a sense of empowerment as farmers solve challenges with creative and sometimes simple, on-farm derived techniques that are less costly than synthetic inputs. ECHO resources and training focus on creation and use of bio-fertilizer products that are appropriate for the context in which they are used and that effectively maintain soil and crop health.

  1. 01/08/2017 Face aux défis auxquels les petits exploitants font face en matière d’intrants agricoles, et vu les limites de l’engrais minéral, le centre d’impact de ECHO pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest a équipé les fermiers de connaissances pratiques et économiques. L’une d’elles: la technique de fabrication de l’...
  2. 03/10/2022 L’engrais bioliquide (EBL ; également connu sous le nom d’engrais liquide organique) est très connu au sein du réseau de ECHO et parmi les petits exploitants agricoles du monde entier.Reconnaissant le besoin d’informations sur la composition en éléments nutritifs de l’EBL, nousavons créé deux...
  3. Lightning Talk, ECHO International Agriculture Conference, November 19, 2020 Bio liquid fertilizer, organic liquid fertilizer Hawken Sawyer and Lyle Carlson
  4. 19/01/1997 Information about making bonemeal fertilizer from animal bones.
  5. 01/08/2017 La baisse, voire la perte de fertilité des sols, est le défi majeur que rencontre de plus en plus d’agriculteurs de par le monde en général et particulièrement ceux d’Afrique subsaharienne. De nombreuses causes essentiellement anthropiques sont à l’origine de cette situation. En dépit des...
  6. Vegetable crops thrive in healthy soil. Farmers can improve the quality of their soil and provide nutrients for their plants by making and adding compost to their fields or planting beds. In this video produced by the World Vegetable Center for the VINESA project, researcherEmanuel Pallangyo...
  7. 15/11/2018 This hands-on workshop will include making and applying two natural farming products. First, we will make a small batch of indigenous microorganism (IMO) parent culture and show what it looks like to step it up to a liquid. Then we will apply IMO liquid to treat the deep litter pig system....
  8. 20/01/2011 Indigenous microorganisms (IMO) are harvested and produced in various ways for natural farming. Out of five types of NF IMOs, IMO 1 refers to the group of indigenous microorganisms that are produced from microbes collected from forest settings, from around the stubble of harvested rice and...
  9. 15/11/2016 The goals of this presentation are to exhibit how microorganisms and microbiology benefit ecosystem health and explore in what ways farmers can use microorganisms and microbiology to increase the long-term health of soil, crops, or animals. The use of microbiology for soil restoration by...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video We need to ferment the mixture to convert the ingredients into nutrients and hormones that can be readily absorbed by plants. The biofertilizer will be ready in 2 to 3 months, depending on the weather and the ingredients you use. Available Languages: Aymara,...
  11. M Kusuma and R Afrianisa 2021J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.2117012007DOI10.1088/1742-6596/2117/1/012007 The demand for organic fertilizers in Indonesia is currently in a critical state. In 2015, it was noticed that the demand of Indonesia for NPK fertilizers reached over 6.5 million tons per year. Given...
  12. 20/01/2005 With all the instant gratification available to the consumer these days, nature seems to take a long time. Stabilizing your soil, pasture and livestock areas don’t happen over night. Nevertheless, Microbial Management with foliar sprays and fertilizers can help in the transition.
  13. 20/01/2005 In our training seminars, every student gets a bottle of EME. We teach them by making it in class. They also are trained on how to use their bag of five different soil amendments. This encourages students to use them in the project that they have already started. Some students are just starting...
  14. 01/01/2021 Between 2017 and 2018, a trial was conducted comparing IMO, EM, mulch, and no mulch on a raised bed system on the ECHO Florida campus. Each of these main treatments was evaluated with and without NPK fertilizer in a split-plot, randomized complete block design. Less cotton was decomposed in the...
  15. 05/02/2025 L’engrais liquide de 10 jours, également appelé « engrais protecteur », est un amendement liquide organique du sol très efficace et ayant de multiples avantages. L’engrais liquide protecteur rapide est le produit de la décomposition biologique d’un mélange de matière organique, d’excréments d’...
  16. Ressource principale
    01/08/2010 Les vers peuvent être un ajout lucratif et bénéfique pour une exploitation agricole à petite échelle. À plusieurs reprises, nous avons mentionné la valeur du compost dans l’EDN. Nous faisons ici un rapport sur la production du compost à l’aide de vers. Le compost produit par des vers, appelé...