1. 20/04/2002 Plant-parasitic nematodes are a problem for farmers throughout the tropics and subtropics. Most species of nematodes are not actually plant or animal parasites, but the ones that are parasitic make up a small but important minority.
  2. 20/04/2008 We were privileged to have Dr. James Brewbaker as a speaker at our annual conference in November 2007. As a plant breeder at the University of Hawaii, Dr. Brewbaker has devoted many years of scholarly research to the leucaena tree and to sweet corn. He has always had a strong interest in ways...
  3. 20/07/2009 Many of you have graciously taken the time to fill out the seed harvest report form that accompanies each mailing of seeds from our seed bank. In reading reports from people in our network, we want to learn whether the seeds we are sending out have improved the lives of poor small-holder farmers....
  4. 20/07/2005 On the banks of Lake Victoria and Lake Malawi and at river edges in Eastern and Central Africa, hippos are a major garden pest.
  5. 20/10/2006 A publication from ACIAR described a method of controlling rodents in lowland irrigated rice crops without the use of chemicals. The publication is a Research Note describing Community Trap Barrier Systems (CTBS).
  6. 01/07/2004 Pigeon pea plants are shaken gently so that the pod borer larvae fall off. As the larvae fall, they are collected on a sheet that is pulled along the ground between the rows of plants. A few hens follow and eat the protein-rich larvae.
  7. 17/07/2017 Les insectes et autres ravageurs peuvent constituer une contrainte sérieuse à la production alimentaire, en particulier lorsque les ressources pour la lutte antiparasitaire sont limitées. Par exemple, dans EDN 133, nous avons répondu à une question sur les problèmes de la mineuse de tomate (Tuta...
  8. 27/04/2018 Cet article partage des expériences sur les dégâts causés aux milipèdes sur les cultures par le membre du réseau Noah Elhardt au Sénégal et Bill Stough en Ouganda. Tim Motispartage également certaines mesures de contrôle potentielles pour la thèse d'Ernst Ebregt.
  9. 27/04/2018 La chenille légionnaire d'automne (Spodoptera frugiperda) est un ravageur commun dans l'hémisphère occidental qui affecte de nombreuses cultures commerciales, surtout le maïs. Ce lépidoptère vorace (groupe d'insectes comprenant les papillons et les papillons de nuit) a été détecté pour la...
  10. The NPDN was established in 2002 in response to the need to enhance agricultural security through protecting health and productivity of plants in agricultural and natural ecosystems in the U.S. With support from the USDA-NIFA and through the collective efforts of many individuals representing...