1. 05/02/2025 L’engrais liquide de 10 jours, également appelé « engrais protecteur », est un amendement liquide organique du sol très efficace et ayant de multiples avantages. L’engrais liquide protecteur rapide est le produit de la décomposition biologique d’un mélange de matière organique, d’excréments d’...
  2. ASHC defines integrated soil fertility management or ISFM as : "A set of soil fertility management practices that necessarily include the use of fertilizer, organic inputs and improved germplasm combined with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local conditions, aiming at optimizing...
  3. 04/07/2023 ECHO West Africa staff traveled toFoumbot, Cameroon to train from May 22 to 24.The training equipped 70 participants made up of 35 men and 35 women. The following themes were the subject of the work of the said training: the major challenges of agriculture and possible solutions, the method of...
  4. 19/01/1988 Farm management is the study and application of the principles of economics, management, and agriculture to farm production within a particular environment. A farm management text written for an African audience, therefore, includes management and economic principles and applications from the...
  5. 01/01/2000 Cette publication porte en particulier sur les possibilités des plants de couverture en vue de maintenir et d'améliorer la fertilité des sols en Afrique sub=saharienne. Souvent de façon isolée, des chercheurs africains ont expérimenté des plantes de couverture, mais les résultats n'ont pas été...
  6. 01/01/1983 A great choice for the small or backyard farmer, dairy goats require a smaller investment than cows and produce milk that makes delicious yogurt and cheese. This fourth edition includes more on pygmy goats, health care, breeding, and making dairy products. You’ll have everything you need to you...
  7. 20/01/2022 Food safety is poised to play a key role in Africa’s agricultural transformation due increased demand for food fueled by the continent’s rapid population growth and the entry into force of the exciting era of the African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Area Agreement. Within the broader context...
  8. A Contextualized Learning Manual for African Colleges and Universities Kasolo, W., Chemining’wa, G., and Temu, A. 2018. Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) for Improved Food Security and Resilience to Climate Change: A Contextualized Learning Manual for African Colleges and Universities,...
  9. 01/01/2018 127 pp : ill. [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] The Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: A Framework for Africa (SAMA) was developed in response to a request by the African Union (AU) and endorsed by the AU Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water...
  10. Food security globally is constrained by several factors including the heavy reliance on very few key staple crops. In Africa, food insecurity has been increasing due to the effects of climate change, insecurity caused by terrorism, social and boundary conflicts, uncontrolled rapid population...