1. 20/02/2017 Stylized facts drive research agendas and policy debates. Yet robust stylized facts are hard to come by, and when available, often outdated. The 12 papers in this Special Issue revisit conventional wisdom on African agriculture and its farmers’ livelihoods using nationally representative surveys...
  2. 20/10/2013 This article challenges the long-held assumption that smallholder farmers are risk averse and delay land preparation and planting until they are assured of adequate rainfall, and that they inefficiently used the natural resources available to them. The author proposes that farming operations are...
  3. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Sambah Naturals has developed a co-operative of nearly 1,200 farmers in the Northwestern Province of Zambia. This network of missional businesses seeks to create profits to fund Zambian missionary efforts. Their organic and fair...
  4. 18/11/2015 Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLA), a form of micro-banking in rural communities, allows smallholder farmers to acquire the capital required to invest in their agricultural enterprises, while also serving as a gateway to learn about new innovations in agriculture. This presentation...
  5. 18/11/2015 Vegetable growing can provide nutrition and livelihood for those isolated by poverty, recovering from crisis, and/or diversifying their food and income options -- but gains are not automatic. What should be considered in designing and deploying vegetable gardening programs? What seed...
  6. 18/11/2015 Many individuals who choose to engage in volunteer international service work consider launching a small US 501c3 non-profit for the purpose of fundraising and program development. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of running such an organization. How do I apply to form a non-profit? How is it...
  7. 18/11/2015 Sometimes the easiest way to change someone’s life is by teaching a basic skill. For people that have never been taught to read and write, literacy is the key to unlocking a new world, a better life, and a brighter future; including benefits to smallholder farmers. Christopher Albano, Ed.D. is...
  8. Ressource principale Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 The cyclical relationship between agricultural development and human health can hinder or drive economic development. In this presentation, Dr. Hanson will explore the impacts of poor health on agricultural productivity and yield;...
  9. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Vegetable growing can provide nutrition and livelihood for those isolated by poverty, recovering from crisis, and/or diversifying their food and income options -- but gains are not automatic. What should be considered in designing...
  10. 17/11/2015 Peanut Butter! Hot sauce! Dried fruit! Goat jerky!? Adding value to agricultural products by preserving, processing, and/or packaging them can be very tempting when one considers only the selling price. This workshop will engage participants to consider how adding value can also add risk. Sharpen...