1. All over the world local varieties of fruit, vegetables and grain are grown. Many are seemingly forgotten or are underutilized despite having outstanding nutritional or taste qualities. Some have good commercial potential and could be an excellent cash crop for a smallscale or family farmers,...
  2. Seeds are the primary basis for human sustenance. They are the repository of the genetic potential of crop species and their varieties resulting from the continuous improvement and selection over time. Crop improvement and the delivery of high quality seeds and planting materials of selected...
  3. Une nutrition adéquate est notre première défense contre la maladie et elle nous fournit l’énergie nécessaire pour mener une vie active. Une alimentation inadéquate peut engendrer toutes sortes de problèmes nutritionnels qui, lorsqu’ils affectent une génération de jeunes, peuvent réduire leurs...
  4. FAO The annual world production of cereal straws and stovers is approximately 2 000 million tons, however, the energy contained in this vast bulk of material is on the whole poorly utilized and its nitrogen incompletely returned to the soil. With the rising prices of both energy and nitrogen...
  5. L'outil de rationnement de la FAO pour les vaches laitières permet de concevoir des rations au moindre coût en utilisant les ressources disponibles localement.Il a été spécialement conçu pour des techniciens qui recherchent un outil de formulation simple et facile à utiliser. Répondre aux besoins...
  6. The marked rise in rabbit project development activities in developing countries, observed over the past ten years, may be attributable to the increased awareness of subsistence rural and peri-urban inhabitants to the potential of small-scale rabbit production. The need for descriptive data of...
  7. Les thèmes traités dans cette section mettent en évidence les priorités définies par la FAO. La liste sera mise à jour périodiquement pour présenter de nouveaux thèmes et sujets.
  9. One way to intensify fish culture without an input of expensive feed is through polyculture. In this way the natural food produced in the culture environment is utilized to a greater extent through compatible or complementary feeding habits of fish which do not compete with each other. In order...
  10. Nutrition and biodiversity converge to a common path leading to food security and sustainable development. They feature directly theMillennium Development Goals (MDGs): halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger; and ensure environmental sustainability. In combination, nutrition and...