1. 01/01/1998 This book has been written as a work-study guide for students and others interested in learning about medicinal and aromatic species, plants commonly known as herbs. This book of laboratory exercises familiarizes the reader with production, propagation, identification, maintenance, landscaping,...
  2. 01/01/1992 This accurately illustrated guide gives detailed descriptions of over 200 plants to enable easy identificaiton, and provides information on the distribution and natural habitat of each species.
  3. 07/05/2019 Alternative medicine and natural healing have reached into every facet of our lives. Lack of confidence in commercial medicine and an interest in getting closer to nature have made formerly-considered "alternative" treatments mainstream. Packed with nearly 300 color photographs and over 120...
  4. 06/06/2013 Looking for a faster, easier, and engaging way to identify plants? Related plants have similar characteristics, and they often have similar uses. Rather than learning new plants one-at-a-time, it is possible to learn them by the hundreds, based on plant family patterns. Each family of related...
  5. 15/12/2000 In this handy companion to the best-selling bookThe Green Pharmacy, leading herbal authority James A. Duke, Ph. D., delivers the lowdown on virtually every healing herb available in today's marketplace: its description and history, therapeutic uses, medicinal properties, prescription...
  6. Le neem est originaire des régions arides de la Birmanie et de l’Inde. Il a été introduit dans d’autres régions tropicales arides d’Afrique, d’Asie et du Nouveau Monde.
  7. 26/03/2015 Plants have been used since ancient times to heal and cure diseases and to improve health and wellbeing. Despite ancient nature of the tradition, medicinal plants still form the basis of traditional or indigenous health systems and are reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) to still be...
  8. Rural people of Ethiopia are endowed with a deep knowledge concerning the use of wild plants. This is particularly true for the use of medicinal plants, but also for wild plants, some of which are consumed at times of drought, war and other hardship. Elders and other knowledgeable community...
  9. 11/07/2016 Les plantes compagnes sont une forme de culture intercalaire, généralement pratiquée dans les jardins à petite échelle, dans laquelle deux ou plusieurs espèces de plantes sont cultivées côte à côte pour un bénéfice partagé. Par exemple, les légumes d'ombre comme la laitue peuvent être cultivées...
  10. 01/04/2010 Many complicating factors affect agricultural work, family health, and nutrition when one or more family members are HIV positive or have an active case of AIDS. In addition to those who are sick, others in the family and community are affected by the consequences of their illness. This broader...