1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les maladies de la rouille se propagent par le vent et peuvent rapidement se développer par temps frais et humide. Pour savoir si votre culture est affectée par la rouille, frottez sur la partie infectée de la plante pour voir si une poudre brune ou noire colle à...
  2. Ressource principale
    20/01/2009 All plants need certain mineral elements for proper growth, development, and maintenance. The basic structure of all organisms is built of carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Plants obtain these elements from water (H2O) in the soil and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, so no input is...
  3. Ressource principale Cette formation en 4 parties donne un aperçu général et une introduction à certaines caractéristiques fondamentales du sol: phases (solide, liquide, gaz), texture, densité, structure, réaction (pH), relations plante-eau, matière organique, biologie et nutriments. Après quelques discussions en...
  4. Does unsafe food threaten public health in your country? Is the food you eat at risk of contamination? Or, perhaps, has your shipment of agricultural goods been held at the port of entry because of a potential cargo pest infestation? The sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) plant health distance...
  5. Plantwise is a global programme led byCABI, which works to help farmers lose less of what they grow to plant health problems. Working closely with national agricultural advisory services we establish and support sustainable networks ofplant clinics, run bytrained plant doctors, where farmers can...
  6. 01/01/1998 In EDN 64-5 we reviewed a report from Lowell Fuglie of the Church World Service in Senegal on his successful project with Moringa oleifera. He has published another book with CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU) on natural crop protection in West Africa. Part one...
  7. Ressource principale 20/01/2012 Plant Pathology, Third Edition, provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of plant pathology, incorporating important new developments in the field. The present volume also follows closely the organization and format of the Second Edition. It includes two new chapters, ""Plant Disease...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les oignons poussent bien dans des conditions très variées, mais pendant la saison pluvieuse, ils ont plus de chance d’être attaqué. Les maladies de l’oignon peuvent faire plier les feuilles et réduire le rendement. Les maladies peuvent se propager à travers le...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les oignons ont besoin d’un sol riche et fertile. Cultivez vos oignons seulement une fois tous les 3 ans dans le même champ. Plantez vos oignons dans des plates-bandes surélevées, en particulier pendant la saison pluvieuse. Repiquez vos plantules quand ils...
  10. Abstract, There are various ways in which plant nutrient supply or concentration affects plant diseases and pests. The supply of nutrients changes the resistance of plants to pathogens and pests by altering growth and tissue composition (e.g., concentration of soluble compounds or defence...