1. 20/10/2008 The solution to production gluts is to extend the season (i.e. have a harvestable product a bit earlier or later than most farmers) or to grow totally out of the normal season. Most crops are not easy to grow out of season. However, pineapple flowering is easily induced at any time of the year...
  2. 01/10/2005 Vegetative propagation of Kale and Collared Greens.
  3. 20/04/2008 The technique described in this article is very practical and applicable in certain situations. For example, it is becoming very useful for us here in Gamboula, Central African Republic (CAR), to produce planting material to distribute to our agroforestry cooperatives. It would also be helpful as...
  4. 08/02/2017
  5. Plants have two ways of reproduction, sexual by means of seeds, and asexually or vegetatively by means of vegetative tissue. Both ways occur in living plants in nature. In nature, some plants reproduce mainly vegetatively while others rely almost totally on sexual reproduction. For the plant...
  6. Manuel de terrain de la FAO: Les plantes ont deux modes de reproduction: sexuée au moyen de graines, et asexuée ou végétative au moyen de tissus végétatifs. Les deux façons se produisent dans les plantes vivantes de la nature. Dans la nature, certaines plantes se reproduisent principalement par...
  7. What is Plant Propagation? Multiplication of plants and preservation (maintaining) their unique qualities for human use Purposeful act of reproducing plants via sexual and asexual reproduction Sexual: seed germination, some variation, not always identical to parent plant
  8. Perennial plants can be propagated in vegetative or generative ways. Fruit and nut trees are usually propagated by vegetative means using grafting methods. For this, there are two types of grafting methods: budding and grafting. Both of them are used for the same purpose - to create a new plant...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video Le greffage consiste à fixer une jeune pousse d’une variété préférée sur un plant. Le plant forme la racine et la base de l’arbre. C’est ce qu’on appelle porte-greffe. La jeune pousse greffée au porte-greffe est appelée greffon. Il se développe et forme la...
  10. 1990 videos with Dr. Carl Campbell ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - Introduction To Tropical Fruit (Part 1 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series -Grafting Tropical Fruit Trees & Avocados (Part 2 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - (Part 3 of 6) Guava, Pineapple, Macadamia,Mamey...