1. 2024-09-01 Community Seed Bank Options is the compilation of many individual research experiments, papers, ideas, technologies, and experiences offered over several years by individuals working to further best practices in community seed banking, seed saving, and genetic preservation. The idea for this...
  2. 2024-09-02 Join us as we gather together an inspiringgroup of current and aspiring managers ofCommunitySeedBanksfrom across the region. Together we will explore the in's and out's of the diverseCommunitySeedBankmodels in use across ECHO's existingnetwork. Time will be split between classroom time and...
  3. Key Resource 2023-10-11 Seeds are a strategic starting point for any agricultural development program or project, and good seeds are undoubtedly one of the most essential material inputs for farmers, both men and women. In some farming communities and families, seeds are the most significant predictor of productivity....
  4. Key Resource 2023-10-11
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Because of our seed bank, we have native varieties again. By using indigenous seed our costs have reduced as we can grow and keep our own seed. So, we don’t have to depend on the market. In our seed bank, we also train farmers how to grow crops organically, free...
  6. This kit is primarily intended for Non-Governmental Organizations based in the Third World working with rural communities in general or with agriculutral projects in particular. We hope that it will be read by community organizers, project officers and agrilcutral extension workers. Secondarily,...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video There are many problems with poor seed, and spotted and discoloured seed are some of the major ones. Spotted seeds can't be removed by winnowing or seed flotation. They can only be removed by manual sorting. This video will show you how to clean seed as one of...
  8. Key Resource 2020-06-29 Seed storage in the tropics has been a frequent topic of ECHO publications and trainings due to its importance to the smallholder farmer. Access to quality seeds is imperative for agronomic and horticultural crop production. While on-farm seed saving benefits the smallholder farmer, cooperative...
  9. Key Resource Introduction Given the proper facilities necessary to store seeds long-term, whereby low temperature and low humidity are kept stable over time, it is very possible to store most orthodox seeds for several years at a time in the tropics (Harrington, 1972). Unfortunately, implementation and...