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  1. Edible Portion:Fruit, Herb, Spice, Flowers A small evergreen tree with short spines. It grows to 7 m high and spreads to 3 m across. It branches freely. Young branchesare often reddish. Leaves are about 5-12 cm long. They are green and drawn out to a point, with notched edges. The leaf stalkis...
  2. This publication descusses the history of the tree in Florida and how to grow, protect, harvest and market the fruit. 45 pages, illustrated, photos
  3. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice A low shrubby tree up to 6 or 8 m high. The trunk is thin and crooked. It has slender sharp thorns. The leaf petiole has verylarge lobes. The leaf is oval. The leaves can be 8-15 cm long by 3-5 cm wide including the leafy stalks. The leaves are darkgreen and...
  4. Edible portion:Fruit, Herb, Spice, Leaves - flavouring A small much branched evergreen tree. It grows up to 5-6 m tall with short sharp spines. It spreads to 3 m across. The leaves are small and dark green. There are narrow wings on the leaf stalk. The leaf blade is about 5 cm long by 3 cm wide...