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  1. Edible Portion:Fruit, Leaves, Seeds-Fat, Skin Rind-Spice A tree. It grows 14 m high. The leaves are sword shaped and 13 cm long. Male and female flowers are separate. Male flowersare yellow and in groups of 3-4 in the axils of leaves. The female flowers are larger and in the axils of leaves near...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Flowers, Leaves, Spice A shrub or small evergreen tree. It grows to 5 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The branches are grey and slender. Theleaves are alternate and scattered. The leaves are compound with 2-8 leaflets. Leaves are 8 to 15 cm long and smooth. Theleaflets...
  3. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice A creeper with an erect stem. It is 50 cm high. The creeper or vine can be 10 m long. There are very fine powdery hairs whenyoung. The leaves are finer and more tender than Piper betel. They are brighter green with distinct veins. The leaf stalk is 2-5cm long....
  4. Edible Portion: Fruit, Spice A woody climber. It grows 4-10 m long. It loses its leaves during the year. It can have long aerial roots. Old stems are fleshy.The leaf stalk is 5-15 cm long and the leaves are broadly oval to heart shaped and 6-13 cm long by 6-13 cm wide.
  5. Edible portion:Fruit, Herb, Spice, Leaves - flavouring A small much branched evergreen tree. It grows up to 5-6 m tall with short sharp spines. It spreads to 3 m across. The leaves are small and dark green. There are narrow wings on the leaf stalk. The leaf blade is about 5 cm long by 3 cm wide...
  6. Edible Portion: Seeds, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows to 10 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is erect and it is intricately branched giving thetree a crown which is spreading and graceful. The leaf stalks are long. The leaves are alternate and simple. They are broadand heart shaped....
  7. Edible Portion: Bark, Spice, Leaves A large tree. It grows 10-20 m high. It keeps its leaves during the year. The trunk can be 30-60 cm across. The bark is darkbrown. The young branches can be four sided. The leaves are usually opposite. The leaf blade is oval and 11-16 cm long by4.5-5.5 cm wide....
  8. Edible Portion: Seeds - Drink, Fruit, Spice A larger tree than Arabica coffee. It is an evergreen shrub. It grows to 10 m tall and has thicker, larger leaves. It is shallowrooted with most feeding in the top 12 cm of soil. In heavy shade, trees have a more developed trunk. The leaves are 15-30 cm...
  9. Edible Portion:Leaves as condiment, Flavouring, Spice A climbing or creeping herb. It can grow 1 m tall. The leaves are fleshy. The young leaves are often purple underneath. They are 3-8 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. The flowers are in greenish-yellow heads 2 cm long. The fruit are 5-6 mm long. A...
  10. Edible portion : Fruit, Flowers, Spice A small evergreen tree up to 7-10 m high. It can spread 3 m across. The stem is erect and short. Leaves are large. Leaves have from 5 to 17 or 34 pairs of leaflets. Leaves are pale green. The leaves are often clustered near the branch tips. Flowers are...