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  1. 01-01-1989 Agroforestry refers to the integration of trees and shrubs as essential elements of agricultural and other land use systems, with the idea of improving the fertility and productivity of the soil. In this concept, trees and shrubs can be deliberately managed (that is, established, tended,...
  2. 01-01-2020 *Available as Download Only Planting trees in the agricultural landscape, in the form of establishing agroforestry systems, has a significant role to play in potentially improving ecosystem services, such as increased biodiversity, reduced soil erosion, increased soil carbon storage, improved...
  3. 01-01-1996 This study examines the world market situation for cashew nuts, cashew kernels and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). The cashew but production has diversified since the 1970s" India, Mozambique and Tanzania shared 95% of the world market. In the 1990s Brazil and India are main producers, followed...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Grevillea robusta was originally introduced as a shade tree in the coffee and tea estates of East Africa. Now small-scale farmers use the tree in many ways as it does not interfere with crop growth. Uses include timber, fuelwood, leaf mulch, shade, and it serves...
  5. 10-08-1995 Science in Agroforestryprovides information on how science and research will imporve the sustainablitiy of agroforestry systems. The development of agroforestry systems should be based on four key features: competition, complexity, profitablility, and sustainability. The book includes these ideas...
  6. 01-01-1994 Restoration Forestry brings together over 50 articles from professional foresters, ecologists, and resource planners at ground-breaking research centers around the world, providing actual results and valuable insights from ongoing forest eco-systems restoration projects in North America, Latin...
  7. 01-01-1999 The papers in this volume describe field test experiences with methods for measuring carbon storage by three types of land use: natural forest, plantation forest, and agroforestry. Winrock and its partners are working with organizations concerned with climate change and involved in carbon...
  8. 01-01-1993 This booklet will trace the development of tropical forest management in Western Ghats, to illustrate the range of experience and knowledge that has been gathered during the past century and more of commonwealth forestry. Forest management is no longer the concern of foresters alone, and the fate...
  9. 01-01-1976 This Manual on Reforestation and Erosion Control for the Philippines, the first of its kind ever published, will serve as a guide and a valuable reference for foresters and for those engaged in reforestation and erosion control in the country. It is the product of the joint efforts and...
  10. 01-01-1985 The present booklet comprises the base document prepared for a planning workship to discuss international cooperation in multipurpose tree germplasm.