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  1. Abstract, Global Food Security, 2017 Small-scalepoultry productionsystems are mostly found in rural, resource-poor areas that often also experience food insecurity. They are accessible to vulnerable groups of society, and provide households with income and nutritionally-rich food sources....
  2. Abstract, World's Poultry Science Journal, 2013 This study evaluated the effects of thyme (experiment 1) or oregano (experiment 2) on egg production, feed intake, egg quality and blood parameters of laying hens. In each experiment, a total of 120 sixty-week-old Hy-line Brown laying hens were...
  3. Abstract, Poultry Research Institute, 2018 Insects are considered as a potential substitute for fishmeal (FM) and soybean meal (SBM) in feeding mixtures for poultry diets. The intent of this paper is to appraise the current work relating to the use of insects as alternative protein in poultry...
  4. Chickens have very basic needs: food and water, adequate shelter and space, and predator protection. Chicken owners go to all different lengths to meet those needs, from the simplest to the very elaborate. The beauty of raising chickens is that there is no set formula and no way that you must do...
  5. 1990-01-01 Because chickens and ducks can utilize surplus grain, table scraps, garden trimmings, and by-products, they can provide a valuable food reserve. Some farming communities produce more grain than their people need. Of course the excess could be sold, but if not, it can be fed to poultry. Then, if...
  6. 1997-07-19 User-producer tools development Values-based rural develoment Palm sugar Controlling chickens Rats, bats and traps An innovative organic farming Controlling house flies Ecology education in Peru
  7. 2022-04-12 This systemprioritizes chicken health and robustness by attempting to recreate conditions natural to chickens. This system does not produce as much as industrial systems, but can be more profitable for small-scale farmers by reducing both risks and costs. It focuses on growing vigorous chickens...
  8. Contains information on raising poultry in English and Spanish.
  9. The main findings of this study support the hypothesis that village chicken production forms the basis for transforming the rural poultry sector from subsistence to a more economically productive base. This study also highlights the importance of information systems, which include data management...
  10. 2007-01-01 This Series contains 14fold-out leaflets,practical for use in the field and easy to read. Covering multiple subjects, it gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings. 1. Rearing Dairy Goats 2. How To Control Striga And Stemborer...