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  1. 2020-05-27 An interesting booklet on how to care for your cattle, including hints on milking, breeding and the care of your calves. This uses material from theAmazon Center of Peruvian Autonomous Languages- "Hugo Pesce" - Yarinacocha, Pucallpa, Peru, first published in June 1980 and used with kind...
  2. 1996-01-01 Cet Agrodok vous fournira des informations sur les différents aspects de l’élevage de vaches laitières sous les tropiques : alimentation, reproduction et enregistrement des données. Il est destiné aux petits exploitants ayant un certain niveau d'instruction et de connaissances des vaches...
  3. 2019-01-01 59 pp : ill. [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] Contents: The Diet 6 Feeds 8 To formulate a Balanced ration 9 Examples of daily requirements of dairy cows 10 How to Calculate a Balanced Diet 12 Examples of daily requirements 13 Digestibility/Intake 14 Average Nutritive Value of Some Local...
  4. TheFAO Ration Formulation Tool for dairy cowscalculates least-cost rations for dairy cows using locally available resources. It has been specifically designed for techinicians looking for a simple and easy to use formulation tool. Meeting the nutrient requirements of dairy animals using a...