Kreyòl Ayisyen (ht) | Chanje Lang (Change Language)
  1. Edible Portion:Fruit, Herb, Spice, Flowers A small evergreen tree with short spines. It grows to 7 m high and spreads to 3 m across. It branches freely. Young branchesare often reddish. Leaves are about 5-12 cm long. They are green and drawn out to a point, with notched edges. The leaf stalkis...
  2. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Herb, Spice, Leaves - tea An evergreen shrub. It grows to 3-5 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is slender and the branches are flexible. Theleaves are glossy green, oblong, and tapering towards the tip. They occur opposite each other and have easy to see...
  3. Edible Portion:Leaves, Fruit, Herb, Spice, Vegetable, Flowers A shrub 1-2 m high. It can grow 4-10 m high. It loses its leaves during the year. The trunk is slender and flexible. The leaveshave stalks. The leaves have leaflets along the stalk. These are alternate and have stalks. There are 11-15...
  4. Edible Portion: Fruit, Herb, Spice, Manna, Leaves, Oil A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows to 16 m high and can spread to 10 m wide. The trunk is often gnarled and twisted. Theleaves are greyish-green. They are feather shaped and grow opposite each other. Leaves are replaced every two or...
  5. Edible portion:Fruit, Herb, Flavouring, Spice, Flowers A small evergreen tree up to 4-8 m tall. It spreads to 2 m across. The stem is erect, branching and thorny. The leaves are dark green, and long and narrow in shape. They are 3-4 cm long. There is only a narrow wing on the leaf stalk. It has a...
  6. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Flowers, Vegetable An annual herb. It is a sprawling plant. It can be 45-75 cm high and spread 45 cm wide. The stout stems and leaves arecovered with stiff hairs. The lower leaves are on leaf stalks that have winged extensions near their base. The upper leaves...
  7. Edible Portion: Flowers, Leaves, Herb, Spice An bushy annual herb. It grows 30-70 cm high and 30-45 cm wide. The leaves are spoon shaped or sword shaped. The flowerheads are daisy like. They can be 10 cm across. Flowers are yellow or orange. There are cultivated varieties.
  8. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Lower Stem, Leaves - Tea A coarse clumpy grass about 1 m high. It forms dense tufts and clumps. The stems are hollow and cane like. The leaves havea rough edge and are about 1 m long by 1 cm wide. They curve over. They are pale blue-green. It very rarely...
  9. Edible Portion: Leaves, Herb, Spice, Oil An evergreen tree which grows 10-20 m high. It spreads to 2.5-5 m wide. The bark is smooth and grey. The leaves arealternate. The leaves are oval and shiny and dark green. They are 3-6 cm long. The leaves have wavy edges and are leathery.The flowers are...
  10. Edible Portion:Leaves, Seeds - spice, Flowers, Seeds - oil, Vegetable An erect herb. It re-grows each year. It grows from 30 cm to 2 m tall. The stems are square. Plants can be green or purple.The leaf stalk is 3-5 cm long. The leaves are oval and 4.5-10 cm long by 2.8-10 cm wide. They are...