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  1. 2025-02-24 Fort Myers, FL | October 20-24, 2025 ECHO is partnering with the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) to host a four-day symposium centered on underutilized plant species. Beyond the few staple grains that supply most of the world’s food lies a host of plant species that are...
  2. 2025-02-18 We have two more trainings coming up this spring you can still sign up for in North America! March 24-28: TOT With CHE Global Network To learn more information about this course and to register use the link below. Register Today! April 7-11: TAD 2 - Food Forest, Garden Design, and Planning...
  3. 2025-03-24 Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in community and agricultural development internationally are encouraged to participate in this five-day (35 hours) training course. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an...
  4. 2025-07-07 July 2025, ECHO North America will be hosting back-to-back trainings for TAD I and TAD II! Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Development (TAD I) will be July 7-11! For more details that relate specifically to this training please use this linkfor more information. TAD II: Syntropic...
  5. 2025-07-07 Those interested in preparing for short to long-term involvement in international agriculture development are encouraged to participate in this five-day course. Topics and discussions will focus on improved food security and agricultural livelihoods for small-scale farmers in developing...
  6. 2025-07-15 Introduction to Syntropic Agriculture This is an interactive 4-day agroforestry training session. Learn how to cultivate abundant food and timber in a system that mimics a natural forest. Syntropic farming is a method inspired by Ernst Götsch. This course will cover the principles and practices...
  7. 2025-02-24 Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in community and agricultural development internationally are encouraged to participate in this five-day (35 hours) training course. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an...
  8. 2024-10-08 Robert Morris Senior Manager for Program Innovation, HOPE International Robert Morris serves as the Senior Manager for Program Innovation at HOPE International. In his role, he works alongside their global team to develop creative strategies and solutions to pressing and complex challenges in...
  9. 2024-08-13 EIAC Poster & Research Roundtable Invitation At this conference, there are several ways to share your experience and expertise with other conferencedelegates! Outside of sharing a breakout session or workshop, you can share your research, development project, or crop evaluations through a...
  10. 2024-08-20 Erwin Kinsey Director ECHO East Africa Erwin Kinsey, ECHO East Africa Director, holds a BSc in Animal Science from the University of Vermont and MSc in Rural Development from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies. He worked for 30-years with Heifer International in...