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  1. 2001-01-01 An INFLUENCER leads change. An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills. An INFLUENCER makes things happen. This is what it takes to be an INFLUENCER. Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with...
  2. 1980-01-01 The authority of the believer: a compilation of the authority of the believer and the authority of the intercessor Few believers realize the mighty impact of believing prayer upon the faces of darkness. John MacMillanintroduces this dimension of intercessary prayer in The Authority of the...
  3. 2014-01-01 Vanishing Grace Video Study: Whatever Happened to the Good News? Publisher: Zondervan, [2014] Media: DVD Summary:InVanishing Grace, Yancey shows the desperate need our world has for grace, and how Christians can truly make the gospel good news again. In this video-based small group Bible study,...
  4. 1985-01-01 It is an excellent reminder of the Biblical basis for evangelism in partnership with social action; you really can't do one without the other. It calls on peopleof faith to live out their call to release the oppressed together.
  5. 2003-01-01 Can we know more about the life of Jesus of Nazareth than what is written in the four gospel accounts? The answer is yes. The Old Testament says much about him. A knowledge of the Jewish culture in the first centuryadds greatly to our understanding of his life, teachings, and actions. This...
  6. 2008-01-01 In his challenging exposition of Revelation 2:2-6, Alexander Strauch examines this alarming rebuke of Jesus Christ to his church. Part I of the book reminds us that an individual or a church can teach sound doctrine, be faithful to the gospel, be morally upright and hard-working, and yet be...
  7. 1991-01-01 In churches, schools, and mission agencies, many seem confident that we know what 'spirits' and 'powers' and 'authorities' are -- and what to do in the name of the gospel. But these viewpoints disagree, and we have trouble finding a language we can use to talk to each other. Are the powers mainly...
  8. 2017-01-01 Living a life of service to God in Honduras, two American women choose poverty and prayer as a way of life. Beth, an MD, and Prairie move to the rural mountains of Honduras, build a home, learn to live like their neighbors and found their own monastery with vows of material poverty, celibacy and...
  9. 1997-08-01 This momumental book is an A-to-Z guide to following Christ in every aspect of life with hundreds of articles by numerous contributors on such subjects as family, money, relationships, jobs, church, entertainment, food, taxes, etc., etc., etc.
  10. 2011-01-01 Life is busy. We live like slaves to our fast-paced, suffocating schedules. We spend our energy and time in triviality, relegating God to the background. He seems distant to us, and we resist the idea that God wants to give, say, and show us more; we dismiss it as rumor. But Jesus calls us to a...