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Tentang Pusat Dampak

This center was developed to provide ECHO services to help those in East Africa who work with the poor more effectively, especially in  ​​agriculture and alternative methods. ECHO East Africa is a basic training center providing technical assistance to help organizations and community development workers work more effectively to reduce hunger.


  • Conduct research and development on locally appropriate sustainable agriculture practices
  • Collaborate with, and provide networking opportunities for, development agencies working in East Africa
  • Provide garden displays and demonstrations of agricultural options
  • Provide agricultural resources for study
  • Demonstrate alternative training methods, including creative collaboration and exhibitions
  • The ECHO seed bank provides packaged seeds, as well as seed exchange opportunities and seed conservation education
  • Training for home gardens (organic gardens, kitchen gardens, gardens, bags and manufacture of peat)
  • Training and visits to fruit tree nurseries
  • Organization of conferences, workshops, forums, exchange visits, and training in best practices
  • Network between farmers and other development partners
  • Conduct agricultural fairs




Erwin Kinsey

ECHO East Africa Impact Center
P O Box 15205
Arusha Tanzania


East Africa Pembaruan

Menyoroti Anggota ECHOcommunity: Tn. Tuntun dan Thaung Si 2020-04-08

Kutipan dari laporan oleh Patrick Trail – ECHO Asia

Saat saya berjalan di ladang pertanian bersama Tn. Tuntun di pedesaan Myanmar, saya tidak bisa menahan senyum ketika dia dengan bangga menunjukkan kepada saya biochar yang sekarang dia buat dan gunakan dalam campuran pot untuk bibit pohon buahnya. Alih-alih membakar, ia sekarang mengubah bahan limbah organiknya dari pertanian menjadi sumber daya berharga yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak tanaman, alih-alih kehilangan karbon ke atmosfer melalui asap.


Sekitar satu tahun yang lalu, Tn. Tuntun menghadiri Lokakarya Penghematan Benih di Pyin Oo Lwin dan belajar cara membuat biochar selama salah satu sesi latihan. Dia segera kembali ke rumah dan mencobanya sendiri, dan telah sangat sukses. Tn. Tuntun kini bahkan menjadi tuan rumah halaman Facebook di mana ia berbagi teknik pertaniannya dengan petani berbahasa Burma lainnya, menjelaskan praktik-praktik seperti biochar, di antaranya!


Thaung Si and TunTun

Thaung Si (kiri) dan Tuntun (kanan) memamerkan biji kacang pedang yang berasal dari Bank Benih ECHO Asia dan sekarang sedang berkembang untuk memasok bank benih di sana di Myanmar.

Banyak hal yang terjadi di sini berasal dari mitra utama kami di wilayah ini, Tn. Thaung Si. Sebagai teman lama dan mitra ECHO Asia, Thaung Si telah bergabung dengan kami dalam berbagai acara pelatihan pada banyak kesempatan dan kami juga telah belajar banyak darinya. Tiga tahun lalu ia mendirikan Bank Benih Masyarakat di Lisu Baptist Theological Seminary. Melalui bank benihnya, ia mengajarkan praktik pertanian dan berkebun kepada siswa, dan telah berdampak besar pada banyak kehidupan, menabur benih dari berbagai jenis. Di sinilah Tn. Tuntun dan hampir seratus petani dan peserta lokal lainnya menerima pelatihan tentang Biochar dan teknik lainnya tahun lalu, dan Thaung Si menindaklanjutinya secara teratur.

Komunitas ECHO memiliki banyak mitra yang berdedikasi seperti Thaunag Si di seluruh kawasan, dan di seluruh dunia. Mitra ini, ketika dilengkapi dengan baik, mampu memperlengkapi lebih banyak lagi!

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Tentang East Africa

Food insecurity has increased significantly in East Africa due to the rapid increase in population, with an increase of 150% by 2050. Over 40% of children in East Africa are malnourished. The largest number of these children are orphaned and living in difficult circumstances. Most of the rural population lives in poverty, relying on a subsistence lifestyle. Some of the reasons for this situation include:

  • A High rate of loss of yield
  • Underdeveloped, weak markets, farmers lack the infrastructure to improve thier value chains
  • Minority farmers and herdsmen in the region, don't have adequate access to agricultural services, continuing education or access to formal training
  • Increased pressure forcing families to cultivate a little land, which results in land degradation and loss of sustainability in food production
  • Drought, especially in arid pastoralist areas.
  • Deforestation
  • Flooding
  • Climate

Where we are located

If you are driving North from Arusha, it is 15 km north of the city along A104 (the main road). After you see Mount Meru University on the right, the office will be another half km north and on the right-hand side of the road.
If you are driving South from Nairobi, it is 96 km south of the Namanga border crossing along A104 (the main road). As you see Mount Meru getting closer, pay attention and look for the Habari Maalum Station which will be on the left-hand side of the road.
If you come via public transportation, ride the bus (dala dala) from Arusha to Ngaramtoni; then take another bus from Ngaramtoni to the Habari Maalum Radio Station. Guards and staff will be happy to give you directions to the front door of the ECHO office.