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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video Examples of how the two communities can interact to benefit each other from Niger and Mali. From Mali the arrangements of the Barahogon Association are explained, including how disputes are resolved. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bambara English French Kikuyu...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Provide a bed of wood shavings or dry grass to make it comfortable for the hens to lay their eggs. This helps to reduce moisture and decreases the chance of infestation by parasites. But these small parasitic insects are not the only problem. During their first...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Many farmers in developing countries keep some chickens, either small numbers or large numbers. However, another type of poultry farming is becoming rapidly popular, namely quail farming. Available languages Bangla English French
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Dairy farming is a source of food and income for many households, but to make money, it is important to produce good milk and lots of it. However, milk can easily be spoilt or dirtied and then buyers will refuse it. This video shows how good hygiene and proper...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Modern dairy plants buy fresh milk from local farmers and herders to make into many different products. The company pays a fair price, but requires strict hygiene: they only buy milk that is clean and fresh. Available languages Arabic Bangla Bemba Chitonga /...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Milk spoils because of germs that are too small to see. The germs grow in the milk and spoil it. Germs multiply faster in warm milk than in cold milk. So move the milk to the collection centre within 30 minutes of milking, or the milk will start to spoil. ...
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video Antibiotics are drugs used for killing germs. The drugs can be given by mouth or injected into the animal’s muscle or vein. These drugs go directly into the bloodstream. The blood carries the drug to the udder where it will get into the milk. Available languages...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Modern dairy plants use pure, fresh milk to make milk powder, cheese, yoghurt and other products. The processing plant can only make its products from pure milk. When water is added, the milk is diluted, or weakened, and it is not good for processing into dairy...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video A soft fresh cheese can be made and ready for consumption in less than 1 hour and, and is easily made with some basic kitchen equipment, as we will learn from rural women from the village of Sakkara in Egypt. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa /...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video The key ingredient to making cheese is rennet. This triggers the fats in the milk to bind together as curds, and the rest of the liquid runs off as whey. Whilst you can buy ready-made commercial rennet in liquid or powder form, in Egypt, rural women prefer to use...