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  1. This text is aimed at the needs of students in agricultural colleges who are taking a subsidiary course in the economics of agriculture. The book introduces readers to economic principles are applied to agriculture, farm management techniques and marketing methods and shows how they can be useful...
  2. The book is appropriate for those who know nothing about small-scale farming or rural economies, and is appropriate for seasoned practitionsesr who may understand their own work in agriculture, health or microfinance, but are not as familiar with the work of other sectors in supporting the small...
  3. This book is an updated version of ODI working paper #81. It is an expanded literature review which considers the different and changing roles of the public and private sectors in agricultural service provision. Specifically, it addresses: Agricultural research, agricultural extension, rural...
  4. This book was designed to fill a gap in currently available textbooks in production economics with applications to agriculture. This book provides the student with a detailed presentation of production theory, with emphasis on the linkages between the graphical and the mathematical approaches of...
  5. This text is developed for the first course in Farm Management, typically taken by a junior/senior level student. Designed to introduce students to the key concepts on how to effectively manage a farm business, the second edition provides students with the basic information needed to measure...
  6. 20 Januari 2017 Small-scale agriculture is the main livelihood of the majority of the world’s rural poor. Smallholder farmers in the global South play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, as well as contributing to food security in their countries. However, they need to be connected to markets to see...
  7. The Journal publishes peer reviewed papers with the aim of sharing new developments in the agricultural and environmental sciences which include forestry, fisheries, livestock, crops, environment, biotechnology, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering. The readership of the Journal...
  8. Agro-Science, the journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Nigeria, was borne out of the need for a forum and technical mouthpiece for the communication and extension of scientific and agricultural research in Africa Agro-Science is an international journal of high...
  9. Transforming Africa’s economic development requires a shift away from its characteristic dependence on commodities and limited domestic production. Broader participation in economic growth is needed to stem rural flight and promote inclusive job creation among youth and women. Agriculture is a...
  10. Abstract,International Food Policy Research Institute, 2006 Modern crop production is based on only a few plant species. Particularly in marginal environments of developing agricultural economies, many less well-known agricultural or nontimber forest species, continue to be grown, managed or...