01 Januari 1981 132 pp : charts, graphs ASA Special Publications Number 41 Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Dividions A-4 and A-6 of the American Society of Agronomy in Chicago, Illinois, 3-8 Dec. 1978 Gift of Dr John Phillip Bishop, June 28, 2023
01 Januari 2000 This publication discusses the training of mid-career extension staff while at the same time strengthening the capacities of the participating universities and colleges.This lack of proper training hampers research-extension linkages and results in slow diffusion of technology to farmers. 73...
The burgeoning interest in finding and implementing "appropirate technologies" reflects a recognition of the essential role of technology in development. Technological decisions and the pace of technical change affect all development processes-economic, political, and social--and, in turn, are...