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  1. 01 Januari 1989 Agroforestry refers to the integration of trees and shrubs as essential elements of agricultural and other land use systems, with the idea of improving the fertility and productivity of the soil. In this concept, trees and shrubs can be deliberately managed (that is, established, tended,...
  2. 01 Januari 1979 Gardening with the Seasons has been adapted from a booklet prepared as part of an innovative and meaningful approach to community development that is underway in Bangladesh. The Sylhet Package Program is funded by International Voluntary Services, Inc. (IVS), a respected US-based private...
  3. 01 Januari 1992 This is a book about farming. But, more than that, it is a book about farmers, about men and women farmers. It is seldom that farmers particularly those in the Third World - have an opportunity to make themselves heard. In this book, an effort has been made to give as much room as possible to the...
  4. 01 Januari 1991 The ILEIA workshop made an important contribution to the emergence of operational approaches to sustainable agricultural technology development. A great number of cases and descriptions of field experiences has been compiled and assessed, existing networks on participatory technology development...
  5. 01 Januari 1989 This ILE|A workshop may be seen as a follow up of the workshop organized by the Institute for Development Studies, lDS, in Sussex, in June 1987: Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary methods. During the IDS workshop it was recommended that a number of regional meetings and workshops in...
  6. 01 Januari 1992 This reader is a follow-up to that workshop. It is a collection of papers on the theme of assessing sustainability in agriculture. The collection is divided into four parts. Following an introductory theme paper (Part I), the papers in Part II discuss the conceptual framework for assessment. Part...
  7. 19 Januari 1991 This book is itself part of a continuing process of exchanging experiences about collaboration between farmers and outsiders in exploring paths to sustainable agricultural development. Out of the workshop on 'Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary Methods' conducted in July 1987 by the...
  8. 01 Januari 1998 This publication considers the incredible impact in the 15 years of their existence. Throughout the text, those on theboard of ILEA anticipate the growth this organization will see in the coming years.
  9. 01 Januari 1995 This is a publication of the Information Centre for Low-External-lnput and Sustainable Agriculture (lLElA).Much of the material presented in the 1988 bibliography, however, is no longer available, or has been replaced bypublications that present a new view on the situation. Although the emphasis...
  10. 01 Januari 1993 Apart from the register of addresses, we herewith present a listingof 57 national, regional 0r international information centres (in thewidest sense of the word). A short description is given, including any services rendered.This list is only a small selection of institutions. More addresses and...