07 Januari 2006 This issue, Compas Magazine 10, presents experiences of learning and education within endogenous development, both from within the Compas network as well as from like-minded organisations. The articles present examples and practical experiences of how local ways of learning can be strengthened,...
In this issue, several authors indicate the causes of poverty in their area of work. For example Barkin (p.41) points at the processes of cultural oppression and agricultural modernisation that affected the indigenous peoples in rural Mexico; Satheesh (p.20) presents the influence of the Public...
09 Januari 2004 This issue of Compas Magazine tries to find some answers to these questions, and present interesting cases, both from within and outside the network of Compas partner organisations. Some of the conclusions so far are that community diagnosis can be an empowering process for the community. It...
09 Januari 2003 The issue in front of you is the outcome of this process. It starts with some theoretical reflections relating to controversies and endogenous development. Then practical examples of controversies and ways of dealing with them are presented within four major themes: traditional leadership and...
12 Januari 2001 This issue of the Compas Magazine deals with experiences of endogenous development. The cases presented are those gained by Compas partner organisations, but also other inspiring examples are included, such as engaged activism from Thailand and building on traditional veterinary knowledge of...
03 Januari 2001 The main activities are documenting indigenous knowledge and carrying out experiments based on local concepts. The traditional leaders are involved in implementing activities to improve indigenous practices relating to agriculture, human and animal health and natural resources. The experiences...
07 Januari 2000 These pictures and the articles in this newsletter reflect the great diversity of concepts, approaches and practices that still exist related to healing people, animals, plants and environments. Vitality and health have a dimension beyond the purely physical and biological level. In most...
10 Januari 1999 In this newsletter we have tried to present our understanding of the links between culture and biodiversity. We have also tried to give room to cultural expressions by showing how people make art and use music to communicate with their ancestors; how they paint totem symbols on their houses to...
01 Januari 1999 The COMPAS Newsletter hopes to promote the exchange of experiences on cosmovisions, sustainable land use and endogenous development. We are aware of the risk of slipping into the well-worn traditions of descriptive anthropological research or of presenting another ’trick’ for extension projects...
01 Januari 2021 This paper presents the following questions in an inter-cultural perspective: What are importantant differences in worldviews and how do these affect the ways of knowing? What is knowledge and what is science? What types of relationships can exist between dominant science and the different local...