20 September 2008 Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty Farmer field schools in traditional societies - from technical to social issues Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty Social inclusion as a precondition of development in Nepal Targeting women pays when promoting food security...
20 Desember 2015 Women forging change with agroecology Building autonomy through agroecology Bringing 'life' back to our food system SRI: A practice that transforms the lives of women Constructing autonomy, territory and peace Peasant women power in Mozambique Women drive alternative economies in the Himalayas...
Compared to other leguminous cover crops, jack beans are the best option when it comes to protein content and replenishing nitrogen in the soil. Jack beans are also easy to store and extremely drought and pest resistant. Jack beans survive when other bean crops suffer with lack of rain or to...
Abstract -The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension- Feb, 2018 Purpose:The limited uptake of improved agricultural practices in Africa raise questions on the functionality of current agricultural research systems. Our purpose is to explore the capacity for local innovation within the...