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  1. 12 Mei 2025 Course Description: Dive into the art and science of sustainable construction! This hands-on, introductory experience will guide you through the fundamentals of natural building techniques, including adobe, wattle and daub, earthen plastering, and more. Through a mix of engaging classroom...
  2. 01 Januari 2023 Traditionally a building material of the warmer climate zones, bamboo is becoming increasingly popular amongst architects in the northern hemisphere; bamboo has several advantages – it is very stable, of low weight, and highly elastic, in addition to being readily available as well as renewable....
  3. Sumber Daya Utama Pendahuluan Dengan adanya fasilitas yang tepat untuk menyimpan benih dalam jangka panjang, fasilitas yang memungkinkan dipertahankannya suhu rendah dan kelembapan rendah supaya tetap stabil dari waktu ke waktu, maka sangat mungkin untuk menyimpan sebagian besar benih ortodok1 selama beberapa...
  4. 24 Juli 2019 Patrick Trail, an ECHO Asia staff member, compiled a picture-based guide for constructing earthbag houses for seed storage in Asia. Earthbag houses have been used by multiple seed banks in Asia as an alternative to more costly conventional structures. At this writing, construction of an earthbag...