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  1. Newcastle disease (ND) is considered the most important poultry disease worldwide and is one of the major constraints to production of village chickens. Newcastle disease belongs to the same family of viruses that causes measles in humans and distemper in dogs. There are many different strains of...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video we will learn how to recognise Newcastle disease, and the signs, causes, prevention, control and management of this devastating disease. Available languages Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga English French Kiswahili Luganda Spanish Tumbuka
  3. 19 Januari 1987 Newcastle disease virus can infect many bird species, and the domestic chicken is particularly susceptible. Highly virulent strains of the virus are endemic throughout Asia, where they cause greater economic loss than any other poultry disease. Vaccination can reduce losses. However, most...
  4. 14 Februari 2019 Session: This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
  5. Session:This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
  6. 02 Maret 2015 Robert Okumu-Obonya, ECHO Technical Advisor for the TOGETHER Program, an initiative of ECHO, Church World Service, and MAP International, with funding support from St. Mary’s United Methodist Church Foundation, reports on progress being made through a poultry vaccination program being implemented...
  7. This is an article on the webpage ofCommunity of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock Development (CoP-PPLD), an on-line sharing network for practitioners, managers, researchers and other actors involved in pro-poor livestock development.The article presents the results of a successful ACIAR program...
  8. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has supported the development of the vaccine against New Castle Disease for over 25 years in SE Asia and some African countries. This video presents the success stories of village poultry farmers who, thanks to vaccine program supported by...
  9. 13 April 2016 What is Newcastle disease? Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious, severe viral disease found worldwide that affects birds including domestic poultry. ND is endemic in all parts of Nigeria and is more common during the harmattan season (October –March) with the virus remaining dormant most...
  10. 20 Januari 2013 Church-based missions and other small non-government organizations can be responsive to the interests of communities, and can promote a sustainable model of rural poultry vaccination— sometimes more effectively than the district or local government alone. What does a typical model of a...