01 Januari 1988 The objective of this Unit is to present the relevant concepts, methods and strategies required to evaluate nitrogen fixation in legume selection programs. Various stages and types of experiements, and the treatments required to evaluate the legume-rhizobium symbiosis are defined. Procedures for...
01 Januari 1984 This NifTAL cataogue is generated directly from the data base retained for each of the strains of Rhizobium in this collection. A comprehensive Rhizobium collection was assembled at NifTAL as a first step in the selection of strains to be recommended as innoculants for economically important...
19 Juli 1994 Go Easy With Fertilizer After Transplanting Trees and Shrubs. Removing Salts From Container Grown Plants Moringa and Carotene What About Rhizobia Inoculants? Tomatoes Resist Flooding if Grafted To Eggplant. A Method For Keeping Rats Away From Oil Palms