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  1. This handbook will help the sheep producer select production goals, select the type of sheep most suitable for a particular area, and will serve as a guide for the production of healthy sheep.Sheep are one of the most common livestock and among the first to be domesticated. They are very...
  2. Thie book has sections on the different breeds giving origins and characteristics and bringing clarity to their complex relationships. Nutrition, reproduction, health and breed improvement are covered. The practical approach to husbandry gives a comprehensive and reliable knowledge of how to rear...
  3. Sumber Daya Utama 01 Januari 2002 Sheep covers in detail the characteristics and requirements of the livestock group, and how to raise and produce sheep ina variety of tropical zones and farming systems. Breeding, health, nutrition, and processing of meat, wool, skins, and milk, all all included in a cmprehensive style.
  4. 01 Januari 1970 The Sheepman's Handbook provides the reader with information on resaerch and technology for sheep production. The reccommendations in the handbook are intended as guidelines to profitable sheep production. This handbook will go through keys areas of sheep production such as genetics,...
  5. 01 Januari 2006 Ensure the health and well-being of every sheep in your flock with expert advice and practical guidance trusted by shepherds around the world. This invaluable resource includes up-to-date information on breed selection, lambing, feeding, housing, pasture maintenance, and disease prevention and...