19 Mei 1987 Integrated nutrient supply Improved fallow Nitrogen transfer from legumes Cover crops on acid soils Sunnhemp Rock phosphate Micro-nutrient drain Soil conservation and shifting cultivators Cycles of poverty
01 April 1978 The purpose of the Seminar was to review the present state of knowledge on the production, management, and utilization of forages under acid infertile soil conditions in the tropics, with emphasis in Latin Amerca, but taking advantage of relevant experiences gained in other parts of the world. An...
01 Mei 1985 This paper summarizes some of the available information about the geographical distribution of soils, common misconceptions about them, soil constraints, land-clearing methods, and soil management options for the American humid tropics. Emphasis is given to the Amazon Basin because of its size,...
01 Juni 1975 The purpose of this bulletin is to review the available results of liming trials conducted in humid tropical regions and to determine from them the information that would be useful in synthesizing soil management systems for tropical areas. 66 pages, tables Cornell International Agricultural...
01 Januari 1979 The objective of this paper is to describe some of the soil-water-crop problems that were encountered by researchers in Puerto Rico on Oxisols and Ultisols and in Brazil on Oxisols and to suggest some important1/1/1979 management practices and consequences for highly weathered soils in other...
01 Januari 1984 Excessive soil acidity is a continuing problem in many agricultural areas and is increasingly becoming a yield-limiting factor in other areas. The pH of soils of the dryland wheat-growing area of the Pacific Northwest has dropped an average of one unit in the last 20 years. Similar effects are...