19 Agustus 1986 Water harvesting Indigenous knowledge Dryland management - take a fresh look at local traditions Water and soil conservation by farmers in Burkina Faso Runoff farming in Tunisia Water harvesting in Kenya Water harvesting techniques Herders associations - Niger
Le présent document a pour but de réunir les résultats techniques obtenue particulièrement en cultures maraïchères irriguées pendant 8 années de prèsence au Sahel Tunisien dans le cadre k'un projet de vulgarisation agricole issu de la Coopération Belgo-Tunisienne et géré par l'Administration...
FAO, 2021 A Tool to Strengthen Local Land Governance Respecting free, prior and informed consent is a collective right that belongs to every member of a community. This means that communities have the right to make decisions through their own freely chosen representatives and their institutions,...