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Potential for Reducing Smoke and Improving Soil Fertility in Northern Thailand 2015-02-16

Every February-March, rice fields are burned throughout Thailand. These very low temperature burns produce huge amounts of smoke that causes serious public health problems, as well as greenhouse gases, smog precursors, dioxin and furans. This practice also destroys valuable organic matter contained in the straw and kills the micro-fauna in the soil.  In comparison, the field prototype that Warm Heart is developing utilizes the rice straw as a resource by pyrolyzing it. Charring the organic matter at high temperature in the absence of oxygen reduces the noxious gases released and is virtually smokeless. 

Asia   Biochar  

ECHO Development Notes #126 Now Available 2015-02-04

Featured in this EDN

  • Bicycle Pump Vacuum Sealer for Seed Storage
  • Selenium and Human Health
  • From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Sorghum Pollination 
  • ECHO South Africa Research Update
  • Books, Websites and Other Resources
  • In Memoriam: Dr. Frank Martin
  • Upcoming Events

Agricultural Training Ramps Up In Latin America 2015-01-09

In December, the ECHO Latin America/Caribbean Regional Impact Team was pleased with the results of five days of training in Central America. Through partnerships with several organizations in Nicaragua and Honduras, team leader, Brad Ward, was able to contribute to two training sessions that covered a variety of topics important to the region.

Latin America and ...   Seed Saving  

Natural Farming Pig System Demonstration 2015-01-01

One of the newest additions to the ECHO Global Farm is the Natural Farming Pig System located in the Tropical Lowlands area. This component is based on the Natural Farming approach developed in East and Southeast Asia which focuses on harnessing the impact of beneficial microbes for enhancing both crop and animal production systems. Either commercially derived microbes (i.e. Effective Microorganisms - EM) or farm produced cultures (Indigenous Microorganisms - IMO) are employed in these farming systems.

East Africa   Asia   West Africa   Latin America and ...   Deep Litter   Natural Farming   Pigs   Tropical Lowlands   Indigenous Microor...   Effective Microorg...  

New Resource: Agricultural Prosperity in Dry Africa 2014-12-29

Agricultural Prosperity in Dry Africa contains a wealth of practical suggestions for dealing with the problems facing dryland farmers in Africa. He discusses crops, strategies, and technologies that lead to increased production and income for farmers with limited resources.

East Africa   West Africa