1. 26/08/2020 How to make and wear a cheap and simple bee veil. This uses material from "Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Make a Simple Bee Veil" by Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to beekeepers in developing countries. (The content of the text in this case may be freely used - including commercial...
  2. 25/08/2020 How to make a simple beehive from local and low-cost materials. This uses material from "Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Make A Moveable Comb Top Bar Beehive" by Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to beekeepers in developing countries. (The content of the text in this case may be freely...
  3. This explains how to manage bees: planning the work, inspecting the hive and understanding what you see. This uses material from "Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Manage Bees" by Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to beekeepers in developing countries. (The content of the text in this case...
  4. 05/08/2021 This explains what equipment and methods are needed to extract honey from the honeycomb. This uses material from "Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Harvest Quality Honey" by Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to beekeepers in developing countries. (The content of the text in this case may...
  5. Rearing of honey bees is called Apiculture. Keeping bees at a large scale for commercial purposes as a business is increasing in this fast growing world. Apiculture is related to agriculture or is a part of agriculture. Apiculture or bee keeping business need less investment of money and...
  6. 01/01/2000 This publication has been prepared to assist beekeepers in preventing serious disease and pest-related damage to their beekeeping business. 26 pages, photos
  7. When the first edition of this book was published, the author, Walter T Kelley traveled in the US and many other countries gathering information and making photos for basic information which would help those who were interested in keeping a few colonies of bees or those whose operation had grown...
  8. In this publication will be found examples of sensible endeavour from modest beginnings, backed by research, training, long-range perspectives, consistent application, and practical incentives to producers rather than mere exhortations. These examples may be found among others, in Belize, Kenya,...
  9. This publication discusses honeybee health, colony collapse and mitigative and preventive measures. It includes data collection and research to identify factors affecting honeybee health.
  10. 01/01/1988 You can keep bees as an interesting hobby or as a source of income. This booklet provides you with information on how to work with honey bees. In most regions of the world this will be the European bee Apis mellifera, although in large parts of (sub)tropical Asia the rather similar species Apis...